Thursday, 9 September 2010
Quoting Mullah Omar's victory message to the Ummah - Eid brings defeat for Allies
Mullah Mohammad Omar, who was delivering an online message to mark Eid ul Fitr, said that victory over the coalition forces was "imminent".
“Put all your strength and planning behind the task of driving away the invaders and regaining independence of the country ", he told Afghan Taliban.
The message continues as follows:
"Praise be to Allah in whose hands is the dominion and all affairs, the Creator, the Evolver, the Giver of life and death. We sincerely believe in His Oneness and Him alone, we worship. He has no partners. We ask Allah to shower His blessing and favors on the prophet, the generous one who was sent as a mercy for all creations. We witness that he conveyed the Message and fulfilled the mission and ameliorated the Ummah; dispelled the cloud and left the Ummah on a white screen. No one deviates from it but annihilates himself. May Allah (SwT) reward the prophet, the best rewards ever given to any prophet on behalf of his followers? Blessing of Allah and peace be upon him, his descendants and his companions, the chosen ones. After this, I would like to say:
Peace , mercy and blessing of Allah be on the Muslim Mujahid nation, the suffering families of martyrs, and prisoners, the gallant Mujahideen of the path of Jihad and sacrifice, all those who have been detained by the invading infidels on charges of their struggling for independence and on all Islamic Ummah..
I extend my felicitation to you all on the eve of Eid-ul-fitr and pray to Allah (SwT) to accept in His sight your fast, worship and sacrifices in the way of Truth.
Availing myself of this opportunity of the auspicious occasion, I want to share with you some specific points regarding the current Jihad, the political situation and my ensuing actions and policies.
O Muslim Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan!
The current Jihad and resistance in Afghanistan against the foreign invaders and their puppets, is a legitimate Jihad, being waged for the defense of the sovereignty of the Islamic country and Islam. The expansion, momentum and success of this Jihadic resistance rightly signify that it is a country-wide, independent and holy resistance of the masses and has now approached close to its destination of victory thanks to the help of Allah (SwT) and your innumerous sacrifices. So you should strive to lay aside all your internal differences, agrarian and residential lands disputes and other grievances. Put all your strength and planning behind the task of driving away the invaders and regaining independence of the country. The history has it that whenever invading forces face defeat, they sow seed of differences in the occupied territories before their pull-out and leave behind various conflicts.
The Americans now are passing through this stage. Therefore, robustly focus on foiling all conspiracies of the enemy which are aimed at creating mistrust and separation between Mujahideen and the people or igniting the fire of internal fighting through formation of militias or launching fake process of elections with the prior knowledge that every thing has already been decided and finalized in Washington or the convening of the spurious Jirga by gathering some sycophant government employees or other similar conspiracies, Convince all those who are involved in these conspiracies unknowingly or lured by financial incentives. Strictly prevent them from perpetrating such activates.
I assure you, our days of sufferings and hardship will not prolong furthermore. Soon, if God willing, our grieved hearts will find solace as the invading enemy is ousted and the Islamic sovereignty is established. All our noble country men, whether be they an engineer, a doctor, a student of a school or of a religious Madrassa, whether he is a teacher or a cleric, a professor or religious scholar hailing from any tribe and ethnicity, will all work together like brothers in an independent country with strong Islamic government established on the basis of the aspirations of the people. “Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power) as He granted it to those before, them, that He will establish in authority their religion- the one which He has chosen for them, and that He will change (their state) after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace. They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with me. If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked."(Al-Qur'an, Surah 24, verse 55).
Mujahid Brothers!
Through your strong determination and faith, you succeeded to foil all conspiracies and machinations of the global
infidel power. The Almighty Allah has favored you with victory over all your invading enemies thanks to your steadfastness and perseverance, effacing the aura of shock and awe of the powerful enemy. This was made possible due to your sincere Jihad and sacrifices. Today, America is regarded as a most hated force and faces humiliations and disgrace. We see now that the more you gain the upper hand over the enemy forces, the more their ranks and files become disarrayed and disorganized. Those military experts who have framed strategies of the invasion of Afghanistan or are now engaged in hammering out new strategies, admit themselves that all their strategies are nothing but a complete failure. All those experienced and sophisticated generals who were sent to the battle field, now are being sent back disgracefully and humiliatingly because of their incompetence and even they are given various nicknames.
Other foreign forces which have come here for occupation of our country under the American umbrella are now under pressures from their people due to the growing and heavy military expenditures, casualties and the fruitlessness of the war. Each of them is hastily seeking ways of exit from Afghanistan. Therefore, my Mujahid brothers, if you want to gain more success in the field of the battles, you should try to reform your conduct and deeds; respect your Jihadic goals and pay attention to all-sided welfare and prosperity of your suffering but brave people. By maintaining an ever-growing unity and brotherhood among yourself, you shall not permit any one to set the stage for discord and differences among you on the instruction of the enemy. Do not waste your time on maligning each other but , on the contrary, direct all your efforts for improvement of Jihadic affairs, defense of Islam and the country; the thrashing of the enemy, serving and protecting your people.
Take every caution to protect life, property of people and public installations. Do not regard people as an entity separate from you; respect all former pious Mujahideeen; strictly implement the book of the code of conduct which has already been given to you; use successful and complicated tactics during confrontation with the enemy; be aware to pay attention to the protection of Mujahideen; obey your superiors and conduct affairs through mutual consultation. Try to nip in the bud all plans and conspiracies and propaganda of the enemy. Do not allow any one to commit activities under the name of a Mujahid that malign the name of Mujahideen and be cautious not to harass people on mere pretexts and baseless reports.
It is a part of the enemy plan to create problems and distrust between Mujahideen and the people. Encourage all soldiers, policemen and employees in the enemy administration to leave their ranks and, instead, stand with their Mujahid people. Give warm welcome to heroic youth like Talib Hussain, Gulbuddin and Ghulam Sakhi who killed many invaders in Gereshk, Nad Ali, Badghis and Mazar Sharif and committed heroic deeds by resorting to tactical attacks. Persuade others to strike the infidel enemy by following their steps. However, be aware of intentions of your inner self as you do this and make the pleasure of the Almighty Allah as your sole goal in all your Jihadic activities.
To Religious Scholars, Statesmen, Teachers, Writers and Poets
You are the very caste of the society that have the capacity to portray the wants and aspirations of the people. It is your Islamic and national duty to expose the atrocities of the invaders and put them before human rights organizations and public of the world. Enlighten people on the American invasion by unveiling the realities and facts. Inform them about the overt and covert conspiracies of the enemy; explain to them the fundamentals and benefits of Islamic system; educate the new generation in a constructive way, saving them from the impact of foreign dogmas and culture; teach them unity and harmony; inform the local leaders of Jihad of the grievances of people and convey the intentions of Mujahideen to the people. You are a bridge between the Islamic Emirate and the people. So it must be. Because through such a mechanism, , all errors and mistakes should be corrected whenever they crop up. I call on you to assist the Islamic Emirate to bring about a blemish-free Jihadic and Islamic atmosphere.
To Former Mujahideen and Employees who Work in the Kabul Administration
In these auspicious days of Eid-ul- Fitre, I invite you once again to come and stand with your nation like other former gallant Mujahideen have , and with their help, participate in the glory of repelling the American invasion and regaining the independence. Come and ponder over the conduct of the invading Americans in the light of your conscience, sagacity and insight that what they do with your so-called elected president , members of parliament, with you and in short, with the suffering people. They call you as warlords and unscrupulous persons. You may have heard that the officials in the presidential palace directly receive payments from CIA. Then what is the rational behind your working under their command.
If you claim that you have joined the ranks of the invading Americans( under duress) because there were flaws and faults in the manner of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, then come and correct those faults yourself after joining the ranks of your Mujahideen brothers. Thus, by forming a strong cemented Jihadic rank, yourselves become a participant in the (great) task of forcing out the invading infidels. Do you think that your responsibility to defend your country and the holy religion’s rituals was only limited to Jihad against the Russians? But today, instead of resistance, you have chosen to stand with the invaders against your Muslim nation in a time that your country has been invaded by the Americans and other 48 infidel countries, harassing, debasing and threatening you and the Afghan people. Could this be the decision of your conscience and the product of your Afghan honor-loving character? Know that the Americans have come here to colonize Afghanistan and plunder its natural resources. They would never become your friends. Had there not been the fear of Mujahideen hovering over them, they would have debased you and humiliated you more than that you are now.
All those who work in the stooge Kabul Administration should hear with open ears that the invading enemy is about to leave Afghanistan due to the Jihad of the Afghan Muslim people, so before you have to face the fate of Najib, Babrak and Shah Shuja on charges of collaboration with the foreigners or in order to save yourselves from the said humiliating destiny, you should abandon the support of the invaders and join the ranks of Muajhideen by repenting of your past deeds.
If you are not able to join them, then by abandoning the support of the infidel, choose a peaceful life along with your children in your houses, taking advantage of the amnesty and security offered ( to you) by the Mujahideen. Thus save yourselves from shame in this world and the world to come.
Regarding the Upcoming System of the Country
The victory of our Islamic nation over the invading infidels is now imminent and the driving force behind this is the belief in the help of Allah (SwT) and unity among ourselves. In the time to come, we will try to establish an Islamic, independent, perfect and strong system on the basis of these principles – a system with economic , security, legal, educational and judicial aspects being based on the injunctions of Islam and conducted through a consultative body joined by persons with experience, knowledge and expertise. All God-fearing, experienced and professional cadres of the Afghan society will be part and parcel of this system without any political, racial and lingual discriminations. Administrative responsibilities will be devolved on them according to their talent and honesty. We will respect the Islamic rights of all people of the country including women; will implement Sharia rules in the light of the injunctions of the sacred religion of Islam in order to efficiently maintain internal security and eradicate immorality , injustice, indecency and other vices ; will strictly observe the law of punhishement and reward and auditing in order to bring about administrative transparency in all government departments. The violators will be dealt with according to the Sharia Rules!
Regarding policy with Foreign Countries
Our upcoming system will be based on mutual interactions with neighboring, Islamic and non-Islamic countries. We want to frame our foreign policy on the principle that we will not harm others nor allow others to harm us. Our upcoming system of government will participate in all regional and global efforts aimed at establishing peace and stability , human prosperity and economic advancement on the basis of the Islamic laws and will cooperate with regional countries in all common problems of the region like ( finding solution to ) narcotics, environment pollution, commercial and economic problems.
To the Islamic World and the Muslim Ummah!
O Muslim Ummah! I avail myself of this auspicious opportunity of Eid, to share with you some bitter facts. Today, some arrogant and biased countries are exerting various pressures on Muslims. Religion and culture of some Muslims is threatened while life, property, independence and sovereignty of some other Muslims are in danger. Today Muslims are victims of different discriminations and hardships. The most notorious prisons of the world are packed with Muslims where they are being tortured and humiliated and their countries are under occupation.
O Muslim Ummah! Is the problem today facing the suffering people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, only their problem? Does our common Book, the Holy Quran, permit (you) to remain neutral in these circumstances? You should understand that the American plan is never limited to the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq but they want to change the whole map of the world by having invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in the heart of the Islamic World. But the Afghans, as defenders of the Islamic Ummah and destroyers of colonialist plans, have a well-known history behind. They have offered colossal sacrifices in the way of throwing out the invaders. As such, they have repelled all invasions beginning from Alexander of Macedonia to the American invasion in this 21st century. Unequivocally, these sacrifices have given victory to the Afghans and salvation to the Islamic Ummah. Therefore, Muslim brothers, not only we have a common religion, faith, values, culture and interests but also common distress, joy, friends and enemies. So come and share the grief and distress of your suffering Muslims brothers and assist them with your persons and wealth by turning to an honest policy.
To the Coalition Forces Stationed in Afghanistan and to their People
The invading Americans have invaded Afghanistan for achievement of their interests and realization of their expansionist policy. They have allied with other 48 countries but still have failed to thwart the growing Jihad resistance of the Afghan Mujahid nation despite using their combined military, political and financial cooperation. This means the resistance being put up by this nations is a legitimate one and the invasion by the global coalition under the leadership of America is unlawful and brutal aggression.
The pretexts concocted by the Americans to keep you engaged in Afghanistan are only fallacies that want to obtain their illicit interests. There is no veracity in their claims. In the past nine years, you may have come around to know the essence of the American fatuous claims, that only they want to use your power in the way of achievement of their impractical colonialist goals. It is not appropriate for you to sacrifice your sons for American ambiguous interests and defame your name in the history of nations and become criminals of war as a result of your killing and harassing the Afghan people. Each day, hundreds of innocent Afghans are martyred by the Americans; houses are destroyed and unconventional weapons which are banned on international level, are being used by them.
These weapons will have negative impact on the next generations of our nation. Their use is an unforgivable crime against humanity. But your forces commit this crime against miserable people every day on the behest of the Americans. Furthermore, the Americans have imposed restrictions on independent media. Only reports palatable to America and NATO are allowed to be published. No one, neither the invaders nor their puppets address the grievances of the victims of war. They clamp down on publications of the Islamic Emirate, whether in the shape of electronic media like internet or printed materials. Hundreds of innocents Afghans have been suffering in Guantanamo and Bagram prisons for the past nine years. Even old men of 70-80 years are kept under detention in these prisons. They are constantly deprived of their legal rights and are not presented before a legal court and denied to have access to their human rights. In short, America, has taken hostage our country and people due to your assistance. Some members of the American coalition and their people have realized this reality and have started withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan and some are intending to follow.
Our message for those countries which still want to continue their military occupation of Afghanistan, merely relying on the irrational pretexts of America, is that you should consider withdrawal of your forces from Afghanistan at your earliest.
To Americana Rulers and the Misinformed American People
You tested all your might i.e. military, political and economic for the past nine years to maintain your occupation over the Afghan Islamic and independent country but you achieved nothing except a dashing defeat at the hands of the sagacious Afghan Muajhideen. Though your general worked out strategies (after strategies) and committed military surge, but still your soldiers are captured alive but your government is not ready to agree to an exchange of prisoners as in the case of the Bobragdal nor they are concerned about him as a US citizen. Even they try to perish them instead of adhering to the recognized way of exchange of prisoners as what they did in Logar with your two prisoners.
Our Mujahideen constantly shoot down your advanced military and reconnaissance aircrafts and destroy your military hardware. With the passage of each day, the number of your soldiers’ dead bodies are ascending but your rulers instead of admitting their wrong policies, and seeking a rational exit, want to try the hackneyed and failed process once more as an effort to compensate for their defeats and distract your attention and that of the public of the world from their debacles. These foiled process include the formation of the tribal militias, holding the so-called consultative Jirga, usage of the words radicals and moderates for Mujahideen, holding fruitless conferences, launching black propaganda campaign against
Mujahideen with the help of affiliated stooge media, giving the helms of affairs to some most hated, corruption-infested and criminal figures time and again. They guess, in this lies the solution of the problem. But with the help of Allah, (SwT) and the good Jihadic planning of Mujahideen, these ventures failed like their other military endeavors. The Afghans have still further patience to defend their country. They have added new experiences of warfare to theirs after nine-year long confrontation with your soldiers. What we want to convey to you through this message is that withdraw your soldiers from our country unconditionally and as soon as possible. This is in your interest and in the interest of your people and the best option for regional stability.
After nine years of show of muscles by you and your global military coalition, it has become clear for all the world that the policy of might and coercion has no effect on the Afghans. The subjugation of this free people as per your envisaged plans is impossible. Still if you want to make the “impossible” possible by extending your stay in Afghanistan, then, as its price, be ready to lose the sovereignty of your vast empire. You should know that your rulers have continuously told you lies since the beginning of the aggression on Afghanistan until this very day. They have wasted hundreds of billion of dollars of your tax money in the shape of financial expenditures and your man power in Afghanistan and have still been wasting them. You shall be witness to another economic melt-down. You should use your parliamentary pressures and street power to prevent your rulers from pushing you into the pit of perdition and destruction at world level. Therefore, they should abandon their headlong stubborn policy. Otherwise, the Americans will themselves face humiliation and disgrace before any one else does that.
To end, I extend my deep condolence to all those who have been affected by the recent floods and other natural disasters in Afghanistan , Pakistan and other parts of the Islamic world and ask Allah ( SwT) to lessen the sufferings of these people as a result of this gigantic trial and bestow patience on those who have been devastated by the floods.
I call on all beneficent persons to give their all-sided assistance to the affectees of the floods, to the families of martyrs, prisoners and orphans and have a conduct of mercy and grace with them in these auspicious days of joy of Eid as you usually have with your families and children.
Once again I felicitate all Muslim on this occasion of Eid and pray to Allah (SwT) to give them perseverance versus the American invasion and accept their sacrifices in His sight. I pray to Allah, the Almighty to bestow independence on all occupied countries in view of the selfless sacred sacrifices of this suffering Ummah through realization of an Islamic sovereignty. May Allah, the Almighty, accept in His Sight the offering of the Muajhideen being presented in the shape of their pure blood.
Signed: Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid Servant of Islam
Excerpt taken from (Taliban website)
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
“Put all your strength and planning behind the task of driving away the invaders and regaining independence of the country ", he told Afghan Taliban.
The message continues as follows:
"Praise be to Allah in whose hands is the dominion and all affairs, the Creator, the Evolver, the Giver of life and death. We sincerely believe in His Oneness and Him alone, we worship. He has no partners. We ask Allah to shower His blessing and favors on the prophet, the generous one who was sent as a mercy for all creations. We witness that he conveyed the Message and fulfilled the mission and ameliorated the Ummah; dispelled the cloud and left the Ummah on a white screen. No one deviates from it but annihilates himself. May Allah (SwT) reward the prophet, the best rewards ever given to any prophet on behalf of his followers? Blessing of Allah and peace be upon him, his descendants and his companions, the chosen ones. After this, I would like to say:
Peace , mercy and blessing of Allah be on the Muslim Mujahid nation, the suffering families of martyrs, and prisoners, the gallant Mujahideen of the path of Jihad and sacrifice, all those who have been detained by the invading infidels on charges of their struggling for independence and on all Islamic Ummah..
I extend my felicitation to you all on the eve of Eid-ul-fitr and pray to Allah (SwT) to accept in His sight your fast, worship and sacrifices in the way of Truth.
Availing myself of this opportunity of the auspicious occasion, I want to share with you some specific points regarding the current Jihad, the political situation and my ensuing actions and policies.
O Muslim Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan!
The current Jihad and resistance in Afghanistan against the foreign invaders and their puppets, is a legitimate Jihad, being waged for the defense of the sovereignty of the Islamic country and Islam. The expansion, momentum and success of this Jihadic resistance rightly signify that it is a country-wide, independent and holy resistance of the masses and has now approached close to its destination of victory thanks to the help of Allah (SwT) and your innumerous sacrifices. So you should strive to lay aside all your internal differences, agrarian and residential lands disputes and other grievances. Put all your strength and planning behind the task of driving away the invaders and regaining independence of the country. The history has it that whenever invading forces face defeat, they sow seed of differences in the occupied territories before their pull-out and leave behind various conflicts.
The Americans now are passing through this stage. Therefore, robustly focus on foiling all conspiracies of the enemy which are aimed at creating mistrust and separation between Mujahideen and the people or igniting the fire of internal fighting through formation of militias or launching fake process of elections with the prior knowledge that every thing has already been decided and finalized in Washington or the convening of the spurious Jirga by gathering some sycophant government employees or other similar conspiracies, Convince all those who are involved in these conspiracies unknowingly or lured by financial incentives. Strictly prevent them from perpetrating such activates.
I assure you, our days of sufferings and hardship will not prolong furthermore. Soon, if God willing, our grieved hearts will find solace as the invading enemy is ousted and the Islamic sovereignty is established. All our noble country men, whether be they an engineer, a doctor, a student of a school or of a religious Madrassa, whether he is a teacher or a cleric, a professor or religious scholar hailing from any tribe and ethnicity, will all work together like brothers in an independent country with strong Islamic government established on the basis of the aspirations of the people. “Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power) as He granted it to those before, them, that He will establish in authority their religion- the one which He has chosen for them, and that He will change (their state) after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace. They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with me. If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked."(Al-Qur'an, Surah 24, verse 55).
Mujahid Brothers!
Through your strong determination and faith, you succeeded to foil all conspiracies and machinations of the global
infidel power. The Almighty Allah has favored you with victory over all your invading enemies thanks to your steadfastness and perseverance, effacing the aura of shock and awe of the powerful enemy. This was made possible due to your sincere Jihad and sacrifices. Today, America is regarded as a most hated force and faces humiliations and disgrace. We see now that the more you gain the upper hand over the enemy forces, the more their ranks and files become disarrayed and disorganized. Those military experts who have framed strategies of the invasion of Afghanistan or are now engaged in hammering out new strategies, admit themselves that all their strategies are nothing but a complete failure. All those experienced and sophisticated generals who were sent to the battle field, now are being sent back disgracefully and humiliatingly because of their incompetence and even they are given various nicknames.
Other foreign forces which have come here for occupation of our country under the American umbrella are now under pressures from their people due to the growing and heavy military expenditures, casualties and the fruitlessness of the war. Each of them is hastily seeking ways of exit from Afghanistan. Therefore, my Mujahid brothers, if you want to gain more success in the field of the battles, you should try to reform your conduct and deeds; respect your Jihadic goals and pay attention to all-sided welfare and prosperity of your suffering but brave people. By maintaining an ever-growing unity and brotherhood among yourself, you shall not permit any one to set the stage for discord and differences among you on the instruction of the enemy. Do not waste your time on maligning each other but , on the contrary, direct all your efforts for improvement of Jihadic affairs, defense of Islam and the country; the thrashing of the enemy, serving and protecting your people.
Take every caution to protect life, property of people and public installations. Do not regard people as an entity separate from you; respect all former pious Mujahideeen; strictly implement the book of the code of conduct which has already been given to you; use successful and complicated tactics during confrontation with the enemy; be aware to pay attention to the protection of Mujahideen; obey your superiors and conduct affairs through mutual consultation. Try to nip in the bud all plans and conspiracies and propaganda of the enemy. Do not allow any one to commit activities under the name of a Mujahid that malign the name of Mujahideen and be cautious not to harass people on mere pretexts and baseless reports.
It is a part of the enemy plan to create problems and distrust between Mujahideen and the people. Encourage all soldiers, policemen and employees in the enemy administration to leave their ranks and, instead, stand with their Mujahid people. Give warm welcome to heroic youth like Talib Hussain, Gulbuddin and Ghulam Sakhi who killed many invaders in Gereshk, Nad Ali, Badghis and Mazar Sharif and committed heroic deeds by resorting to tactical attacks. Persuade others to strike the infidel enemy by following their steps. However, be aware of intentions of your inner self as you do this and make the pleasure of the Almighty Allah as your sole goal in all your Jihadic activities.
To Religious Scholars, Statesmen, Teachers, Writers and Poets
You are the very caste of the society that have the capacity to portray the wants and aspirations of the people. It is your Islamic and national duty to expose the atrocities of the invaders and put them before human rights organizations and public of the world. Enlighten people on the American invasion by unveiling the realities and facts. Inform them about the overt and covert conspiracies of the enemy; explain to them the fundamentals and benefits of Islamic system; educate the new generation in a constructive way, saving them from the impact of foreign dogmas and culture; teach them unity and harmony; inform the local leaders of Jihad of the grievances of people and convey the intentions of Mujahideen to the people. You are a bridge between the Islamic Emirate and the people. So it must be. Because through such a mechanism, , all errors and mistakes should be corrected whenever they crop up. I call on you to assist the Islamic Emirate to bring about a blemish-free Jihadic and Islamic atmosphere.
To Former Mujahideen and Employees who Work in the Kabul Administration
In these auspicious days of Eid-ul- Fitre, I invite you once again to come and stand with your nation like other former gallant Mujahideen have , and with their help, participate in the glory of repelling the American invasion and regaining the independence. Come and ponder over the conduct of the invading Americans in the light of your conscience, sagacity and insight that what they do with your so-called elected president , members of parliament, with you and in short, with the suffering people. They call you as warlords and unscrupulous persons. You may have heard that the officials in the presidential palace directly receive payments from CIA. Then what is the rational behind your working under their command.
If you claim that you have joined the ranks of the invading Americans( under duress) because there were flaws and faults in the manner of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, then come and correct those faults yourself after joining the ranks of your Mujahideen brothers. Thus, by forming a strong cemented Jihadic rank, yourselves become a participant in the (great) task of forcing out the invading infidels. Do you think that your responsibility to defend your country and the holy religion’s rituals was only limited to Jihad against the Russians? But today, instead of resistance, you have chosen to stand with the invaders against your Muslim nation in a time that your country has been invaded by the Americans and other 48 infidel countries, harassing, debasing and threatening you and the Afghan people. Could this be the decision of your conscience and the product of your Afghan honor-loving character? Know that the Americans have come here to colonize Afghanistan and plunder its natural resources. They would never become your friends. Had there not been the fear of Mujahideen hovering over them, they would have debased you and humiliated you more than that you are now.
All those who work in the stooge Kabul Administration should hear with open ears that the invading enemy is about to leave Afghanistan due to the Jihad of the Afghan Muslim people, so before you have to face the fate of Najib, Babrak and Shah Shuja on charges of collaboration with the foreigners or in order to save yourselves from the said humiliating destiny, you should abandon the support of the invaders and join the ranks of Muajhideen by repenting of your past deeds.
If you are not able to join them, then by abandoning the support of the infidel, choose a peaceful life along with your children in your houses, taking advantage of the amnesty and security offered ( to you) by the Mujahideen. Thus save yourselves from shame in this world and the world to come.
Regarding the Upcoming System of the Country
The victory of our Islamic nation over the invading infidels is now imminent and the driving force behind this is the belief in the help of Allah (SwT) and unity among ourselves. In the time to come, we will try to establish an Islamic, independent, perfect and strong system on the basis of these principles – a system with economic , security, legal, educational and judicial aspects being based on the injunctions of Islam and conducted through a consultative body joined by persons with experience, knowledge and expertise. All God-fearing, experienced and professional cadres of the Afghan society will be part and parcel of this system without any political, racial and lingual discriminations. Administrative responsibilities will be devolved on them according to their talent and honesty. We will respect the Islamic rights of all people of the country including women; will implement Sharia rules in the light of the injunctions of the sacred religion of Islam in order to efficiently maintain internal security and eradicate immorality , injustice, indecency and other vices ; will strictly observe the law of punhishement and reward and auditing in order to bring about administrative transparency in all government departments. The violators will be dealt with according to the Sharia Rules!
Regarding policy with Foreign Countries
Our upcoming system will be based on mutual interactions with neighboring, Islamic and non-Islamic countries. We want to frame our foreign policy on the principle that we will not harm others nor allow others to harm us. Our upcoming system of government will participate in all regional and global efforts aimed at establishing peace and stability , human prosperity and economic advancement on the basis of the Islamic laws and will cooperate with regional countries in all common problems of the region like ( finding solution to ) narcotics, environment pollution, commercial and economic problems.
To the Islamic World and the Muslim Ummah!
O Muslim Ummah! I avail myself of this auspicious opportunity of Eid, to share with you some bitter facts. Today, some arrogant and biased countries are exerting various pressures on Muslims. Religion and culture of some Muslims is threatened while life, property, independence and sovereignty of some other Muslims are in danger. Today Muslims are victims of different discriminations and hardships. The most notorious prisons of the world are packed with Muslims where they are being tortured and humiliated and their countries are under occupation.
O Muslim Ummah! Is the problem today facing the suffering people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, only their problem? Does our common Book, the Holy Quran, permit (you) to remain neutral in these circumstances? You should understand that the American plan is never limited to the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq but they want to change the whole map of the world by having invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in the heart of the Islamic World. But the Afghans, as defenders of the Islamic Ummah and destroyers of colonialist plans, have a well-known history behind. They have offered colossal sacrifices in the way of throwing out the invaders. As such, they have repelled all invasions beginning from Alexander of Macedonia to the American invasion in this 21st century. Unequivocally, these sacrifices have given victory to the Afghans and salvation to the Islamic Ummah. Therefore, Muslim brothers, not only we have a common religion, faith, values, culture and interests but also common distress, joy, friends and enemies. So come and share the grief and distress of your suffering Muslims brothers and assist them with your persons and wealth by turning to an honest policy.
To the Coalition Forces Stationed in Afghanistan and to their People
The invading Americans have invaded Afghanistan for achievement of their interests and realization of their expansionist policy. They have allied with other 48 countries but still have failed to thwart the growing Jihad resistance of the Afghan Mujahid nation despite using their combined military, political and financial cooperation. This means the resistance being put up by this nations is a legitimate one and the invasion by the global coalition under the leadership of America is unlawful and brutal aggression.
The pretexts concocted by the Americans to keep you engaged in Afghanistan are only fallacies that want to obtain their illicit interests. There is no veracity in their claims. In the past nine years, you may have come around to know the essence of the American fatuous claims, that only they want to use your power in the way of achievement of their impractical colonialist goals. It is not appropriate for you to sacrifice your sons for American ambiguous interests and defame your name in the history of nations and become criminals of war as a result of your killing and harassing the Afghan people. Each day, hundreds of innocent Afghans are martyred by the Americans; houses are destroyed and unconventional weapons which are banned on international level, are being used by them.
These weapons will have negative impact on the next generations of our nation. Their use is an unforgivable crime against humanity. But your forces commit this crime against miserable people every day on the behest of the Americans. Furthermore, the Americans have imposed restrictions on independent media. Only reports palatable to America and NATO are allowed to be published. No one, neither the invaders nor their puppets address the grievances of the victims of war. They clamp down on publications of the Islamic Emirate, whether in the shape of electronic media like internet or printed materials. Hundreds of innocents Afghans have been suffering in Guantanamo and Bagram prisons for the past nine years. Even old men of 70-80 years are kept under detention in these prisons. They are constantly deprived of their legal rights and are not presented before a legal court and denied to have access to their human rights. In short, America, has taken hostage our country and people due to your assistance. Some members of the American coalition and their people have realized this reality and have started withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan and some are intending to follow.
Our message for those countries which still want to continue their military occupation of Afghanistan, merely relying on the irrational pretexts of America, is that you should consider withdrawal of your forces from Afghanistan at your earliest.
To Americana Rulers and the Misinformed American People
You tested all your might i.e. military, political and economic for the past nine years to maintain your occupation over the Afghan Islamic and independent country but you achieved nothing except a dashing defeat at the hands of the sagacious Afghan Muajhideen. Though your general worked out strategies (after strategies) and committed military surge, but still your soldiers are captured alive but your government is not ready to agree to an exchange of prisoners as in the case of the Bobragdal nor they are concerned about him as a US citizen. Even they try to perish them instead of adhering to the recognized way of exchange of prisoners as what they did in Logar with your two prisoners.
Our Mujahideen constantly shoot down your advanced military and reconnaissance aircrafts and destroy your military hardware. With the passage of each day, the number of your soldiers’ dead bodies are ascending but your rulers instead of admitting their wrong policies, and seeking a rational exit, want to try the hackneyed and failed process once more as an effort to compensate for their defeats and distract your attention and that of the public of the world from their debacles. These foiled process include the formation of the tribal militias, holding the so-called consultative Jirga, usage of the words radicals and moderates for Mujahideen, holding fruitless conferences, launching black propaganda campaign against
Mujahideen with the help of affiliated stooge media, giving the helms of affairs to some most hated, corruption-infested and criminal figures time and again. They guess, in this lies the solution of the problem. But with the help of Allah, (SwT) and the good Jihadic planning of Mujahideen, these ventures failed like their other military endeavors. The Afghans have still further patience to defend their country. They have added new experiences of warfare to theirs after nine-year long confrontation with your soldiers. What we want to convey to you through this message is that withdraw your soldiers from our country unconditionally and as soon as possible. This is in your interest and in the interest of your people and the best option for regional stability.
After nine years of show of muscles by you and your global military coalition, it has become clear for all the world that the policy of might and coercion has no effect on the Afghans. The subjugation of this free people as per your envisaged plans is impossible. Still if you want to make the “impossible” possible by extending your stay in Afghanistan, then, as its price, be ready to lose the sovereignty of your vast empire. You should know that your rulers have continuously told you lies since the beginning of the aggression on Afghanistan until this very day. They have wasted hundreds of billion of dollars of your tax money in the shape of financial expenditures and your man power in Afghanistan and have still been wasting them. You shall be witness to another economic melt-down. You should use your parliamentary pressures and street power to prevent your rulers from pushing you into the pit of perdition and destruction at world level. Therefore, they should abandon their headlong stubborn policy. Otherwise, the Americans will themselves face humiliation and disgrace before any one else does that.
To end, I extend my deep condolence to all those who have been affected by the recent floods and other natural disasters in Afghanistan , Pakistan and other parts of the Islamic world and ask Allah ( SwT) to lessen the sufferings of these people as a result of this gigantic trial and bestow patience on those who have been devastated by the floods.
I call on all beneficent persons to give their all-sided assistance to the affectees of the floods, to the families of martyrs, prisoners and orphans and have a conduct of mercy and grace with them in these auspicious days of joy of Eid as you usually have with your families and children.
Once again I felicitate all Muslim on this occasion of Eid and pray to Allah (SwT) to give them perseverance versus the American invasion and accept their sacrifices in His sight. I pray to Allah, the Almighty to bestow independence on all occupied countries in view of the selfless sacred sacrifices of this suffering Ummah through realization of an Islamic sovereignty. May Allah, the Almighty, accept in His Sight the offering of the Muajhideen being presented in the shape of their pure blood.
Signed: Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid Servant of Islam
Excerpt taken from (Taliban website)
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
Mulla k roop mein CIA???
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Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
Pakistan under US and UK attacks: A look at history
M. Serajul Islam
Pakistan has suddenly become the scapegoat for what is going wrong in Afghanistan. The latest documents released on WikiLeaks (92,000 documents in total) reveal that in Afghanistan USA is losing the war and the truth is far removed from what the Obama administration has been telling the people. The documents also show Pakistan’s intelligence agency (Inter Services Intelligence) ISI’s close collusion with the Talibans and other terrorist groups. In line with the leaks, British Prime Minister David Cameron has caused a major controversy by stating bluntly that his country and allies cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that Pakistan is allowed to look both ways and is able in any way, to promote the export of terror to India, Afghanistan or any other country. Quite understandably, Pakistan protested furiously but David Cameron did not recant his statement rather he came up with free advise about what Pakistan should do, which was like adding insult to injury.
A current view in Washington is that the US administration may have leaked the WikiLeaks documents to shift the responsibility of losing the war in Afghanistan on Pakistan’s shoulders. As the latest WikiLeaks documents revealed it is therefore not very surprising that the Prime Minister of Britain, the country that along with the USA had brought Pakistan into the team as a strategic partner of the West in their war against terrorism, had to blame Pakistan as a country that exports terrorism to its neighbouring regions. It is not just this that makes the latest US-UK offensive against Pakistan so ironic. A look at history would make the current attacks on Pakistan by the USA and UK even more so because both have in the past betrayed Pakistan’s interests at critical times.
It was the US that had encouraged Pakistan to get involved in the Afghan war after the Soviet invasion in 1979. Again, it was the US that had given Pakistan the moral and material support needed to build the Taliban resistance and then abandoned it as soon as the Soviet Union disintegrated. It is again the USA which is now seeking Pakistan’s assistance to negotiate agreement with moderate Talibans to weaken the Taliban resurgence. At the same time, it is the US that is bombing Pakistan’s northwest regions with drones in pursuit of taking out Talibans and when such attacks end killing innocent Pakistanis and blaming Pakistan’s intelligence for the failure.
History makes David Cameron’s accusation more ironic than the US’s accusations of Pakistan. It was British policy of divide and rule that sowed the seeds of discord between the Hindus and the Muslims that created Pakistan. It was the British indulgence while leaving India after 200 years of colonial rule that divided Kashmir that as a Muslim majority princely state should have gone to Pakistan under the principles of partition. It is the Kashmir conflict that has been at the cause of tension between Pakistan and India that has forced these nations to fight two wars and turn into nuclear states. It is the same conflict that has encouraged Pakistan to get involved in the jihad over Kashmir and actively assist groups fighting for freeing Kashmir from India, groups that are using terrorism as a strategy for their goal. It is again the Kashmir dispute that has led Indian security and police to commit human rights violations to keep control over its part of Kashmir that in turn has given terrorist groups like the Laskar e Taiyaba; Jaish e Mohammed and Harakat ul Mujahadeen the cause to survive and thrive.
The British Prime Minister could perhaps have taken a look at history before making the statement in public against Pakistan. In doing so, he has also shown scant respect to diplomatic norms where it is most unusual to accuse a third country while on a bilateral visit. The fact that David Cameron chose to accuse Pakistan while on an official visit to India is what makes his act a difficult one to understand. Only recently, the Pakistani and the Indian Foreign Ministers had met to open dialogue between their countries that ended abruptly with the Indian Foreign Minister failing to make the point on Pakistan’s tryst with terrorism that was so well articulated by David Cameron. Pakistan High Commissioner in London regretted that David Cameron failed to see “Pakistan’s immense role in the war on terror and sacrifices made since 9/11”. He went on to say that the British Prime Minister should have pursued his goal of attracting Indian investments to his country without “damaging the prospects of regional peace”.
Pakistan has reacted furiously at the attempts by Great Britain and the US to link it officially to terrorist groups. Its disapproval to the US administration is being communicated through the many diplomatic and official channels at its disposal. In case of its reaction to David Cameron’s accusation, the Pakistanis are protesting pro-actively and angrily. It has cancelled a very important visit by an intelligence team to London. After actively considering cancelling an official visit to London, President Zardari eventually decided perhaps to take the opportunity to communicate first hand with the British Prime Minister about his country’s indignation.
The latest WikiLeaks and the British Prime Minister’s comments have come for Pakistan at a very inappropriate time. It is facing India in Afghanistan where the Indians are gaining upper hand with the Karzai administration. In recent times, India has opened four regional consulates in Afghanistan and has given Afghanistan US $ 662 million as aid, with a promise of more and even an offer to send troops. It has found favour with the Hazaras, Uzbeks and Tagiks who are behind the Karzai administration although the President himself is a Pastun. The Pakistanis were hoping to balance and perhaps gain the upper hand in Afghanistan by its contacts with the Talibans. It will now be under intense scrutiny to keep its distance from the Talibans, allowing the Indians a better negotiation of Afghan affairs. It should convince Pakistan that in international politics, there are no permanent friends but only permanent interests. US’s interest at the moment is to come out of Afghanistan by blaming it on someone else, perhaps Pakistan; whereas Britain’s interest is to benefit from India’s new-found status as a world economic power for which Pakistan-bashing may not be a bad strategy.
The author is a former Ambassador to Japan and a Director of Centre for Foreign Affairs Studies.
The Daily Star
New Delhi asks Google to show Kashmir part of India

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The Anatomy of a Globalist Propaganda Operation - Hoax of Clash of Civilizations
As the drums for war with Iran beat louder, so does the din of the globalist's "clash of civilizations."
Taking center stage of the "clash" is the now infamous, "Ground Zero Mosque."
It was previously reported that the "Ground Zero Mosque", officially known as the Cordoba House, is the vision of "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations' Religious Advisory Committee.
Read here
It was also reported that the dual organizations Rauf is using to promote and fund his activities are the Cordoba Initiative and the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA). ASMA had listed several large globalist foundations as its supporters including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Read more about this "support" here
It was established that the Council on Foreign Relations' corporate membership consists of various and notorious war profiteering corporations, including KBR and Veritas Capital Fund's DynCorp, the top 2 profiteers of the Iraq war by 2007.
Read more about these Iraq war profiteers here
The Council on Foreign Relations individual membership consists of notorious "Neo-Conservatives", including Dick-head Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Vin Weber, John R. Bolton, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Robert Zoellick. It also consists of General David H. Petraeus, General Stanley McCrystal, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Timothy F. Geithner, Paul Volcker, Henry M. Paulson, Jr. who are currently working under (or over) President Obama's administration.
Read more here
So when one considers that war mongering, war profiteering corporations, and establishment politicians from both sides of the aisle are members of a single organization, funding the divisive "Ground Zero Mosque", one can't help but feel it is nothing more than a stunt, a hoax, foisted upon the American public in order to continue their lucrative, endless wars while allowing them to wrestle away whatever is left of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Researching deeper into the organizations funding "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf's ASMA organization, one sees this apparent conspiracy in absolute definitive terms.
The Money Men
Let's take a look at the complete list of "supporters" that appears on Rauf's ASMA website.
The Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Carnegie Corporation of New York is chaired by CFR member Thomas H. Kean. According to the Carnegie Corporation's own website, Mr. Kean "...was tapped by President George W. Bush to head The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States (the "9/11 Commission")..."
Read about board of directors here
Other CFR members populating the Carnegie Corporation of New York include:
Former director of multiple CFR corporate members Helene L. Kaplan, former Clinton Secretary of State Warren Christopher, and former FCC chairman Newton N. Minow are the Carnegie Corporation's three honorary trustees, and all three are also members of the CFR.
The Rockefellers
The Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors consist of senior staff members who "offer an average of 20 years each in grantmaking experience with major foundations, both domestic and international, including the Ford Foundation, the Levi-Strauss Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the John A. Hartford Foundation."
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is chaired by CFR member Stephen B. Heintz.
"... We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations...."
He is also a CFR member.
Advisory Trustees for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund include David Rockefeller, Rockefeller patriarch, and CFR member, Jonathan F. Fanton CFR member, Robert B. Oxnam, also a CFR member.
Read more about these trustees here
Global Fund for Women
According to the Global Fund for Women's annual report which can be downloaded in .pdf format here, this organization has received over 10 years of financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. Ms. Foundation (which is also a supporter of Rauf's ASMA organization,) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, Citigroup Foundation, Morgan Stanley, are just a few donors on the extremely long list of globalist, CFR listed corporations.
The Ms. Foundation
Founded by CIA operative Gloria Steinem, the Ms. Foundation, according to its annual report found under their publication section here, is funded by the Ford Foundation (over $1 million USD), Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, Citi Foundation, Time Warner, amongst many others.
Hunt Alternatives Fund
Founder and president Swanne Hunt sits on the Council of Foreign Relations. Within the Hunt Alternatives Fund is the Prime Movers fellowship program that serves as a nexus for "social movements".
Primary Movers listed on Hunt Alternatives Fund's website includes:
One Council, Two Lies, One Goal
CFR Sends its Proponents:
Jim Wallis' publication, Sojourners, provides for us the "tolerant" narrative of this false paradigm.
"Islam did not attack America on Sept. 11 — terrorists did."
"A mosque isn’t being proposed for Ground Zero; more accurately, the Cordoba House is a community center, to be built at 51 Park Place (multiple blocks away from Ground Zero) by an organization currently located across the street at 45 Park Place that has been serving that community for years."
"Thankfully, America has a Bill of Rights that protects against such erosions of liberty."
And if you believe the "official" account of 9/11, and believe this is a genuine Muslim group seeking "outreach" this all sounds reasonable.
When you see the CFR funding the Cordoba House, up one side and down the other and don't believe the government's official account of 9/11, your suspicious are raised by such commentary.
CFR Sends its Detractors:
Counter to CFR member Jim Wallis' "tolerant" narrative, comes fellow CFR member and a senior adviser to the Coalition in Iraq, Dan Senor's "intolerant" narrative, published in the Wall Street Journal. The article was also posted on the CFR's official website;
Read the open letter on the Ground Zero mosque
"However, while we will continue to stand with you and your right to proceed with this project, we see no reason why it must necessarily be located so close to the site of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
"Those attacks, as you well know, were committed in the name of Islam. We applaud and thank every Muslim throughout the world who has rejected and denounced this association. But the fact remains that in the minds of many who are swayed by the most radical interpretations of Islam, the Cordoba House will not be seen as a center for peace and reconciliation. It will rather be celebrated as a Muslim monument erected on the site of a great Muslim "military" victory—a milestone on the path to the further spread of Islam throughout the world."
"Our deeper concern is what effect Cordoba House would have on the families of 9/11 victims, survivors of and first responders to the attacks, New Yorkers in general, and all Americans."
Here, Senor claims there are "many" Muslims who will not only see the Cordoba House as a monument of victory (for an attack Muslims didn't commit), but are also partaking in an implied campaign of world domination to "spread" Islam. This is also very believable, assuming one believes the government's official narrative of 9/11 and the imminent threat presented by "radical" Islam.
This paradigm was reinforced by the "Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West" DVD. In a rare mass mailing that saw the propaganda piece arrive at millions of American homes from the mysterious "Clarion Fund", Americans received their Fox News approved primer on "radical" Islam. Interviewees included, professed Zionists, journalists writing for the Jerusalem Post, lawyers specializing in anti-Semitism, a former Nazi, a former PLO member, and a spy for the UK police.
Read more about these "interviews" here
In an almost cartoonish, intelligence insulting manner, "Obsession" proposes to us that Islam is the great threat of our time and that the "War on Terror" waged by the likes of President George Bush and his inner circle of Neo-Cons, is our only hope of saving Western civilization. We take a look at Bush's war mongering inner circle who lurked within William Kristol's Project for a New American Century think tank before Bush became president in 2000:
Check these:
PNAC 2.0: Foreign Policy Initiative
Other notable Neo-Conservatives that can be found on the CFR are the members of William Kristol's reinvented PNAC called the Foreign Policy Initiative.
Robert Kagan is on the Initiative’s board of directors and a CFR member – Jamie Fly is executive director of the Initiative, also a CFR member - Ellen Bork, Initiative director, also a CFR member - Dan Senor sits on the board of directors and is also, a CFR member.
The FPI has come out decisively against the Ground Zero Mosque. In a piece titled "Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong on the Ground Zero mosque, says FPI Director William Kristol," Kristol starts by saying,
"Last Tuesday, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on the subject of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. His remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas that are held onto, at once smugly and desperately, by today’s liberal elites. Our liberation from those dogmas, and from those elites, is underway across the nation."
A man surrounded by CFR globalist elites, who are funding both the "conservative" and "liberal" agenda at once is already framing this, at the expense of his respect for his reader's intelligence as a liberal vs. conservative false paradigm. He continues...
"...As is the way of contemporary liberals, Bloomberg spoke at a very high level of abstraction. He appealed to the principle of religious toleration, while never mentioning the actual imam who is responsible for and would control the planned Ground Zero mosque. To name Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf might invite a consideration of his background, funding, and intentions. Do Rauf and his backers believe in the principles underlying the “inspiring symbol of liberty” that greets immigrants to the United States and before which Bloomberg stood?..."
Perhaps Mr. Kristol should have his own board of directors ask the good "Imam" where his funding comes from at the next CFR meeting? Or perhaps Mr. Kristol needs the American people who he claims to speak for, to remind him they are not as stupid as he thinks they are. That they are not incapable of clicking on the "About Us" button on their public, official websites, from the CFR, to the Cordoba Initiative, and all the way back to fake right-wing conservatives like Kristol.
And so they come full circle, they began with the CFR fully funding Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf's ASMA organization, looked extensively at how each foundation was either funded by globalist CFR members, or directly controlled by CFR members. They saw how the Ground Zero Mosque received praise from CFR fake left-wingers like Jim Wallis of Sojourner, then how fake CFR right-wingers like Dan Senor and his FPI colleague Bill Kristol lead the debate with intolerance, anger, and zeal on the opposing side.
When you consider the corporate membership of the Council on Foreign Relations is making trillions off of the endless war on terror, they themselves started and now refuse to end, when you consider Mr. Rockefeller's Earth Charter Initiative's open declaration for global government, and how every arm of the CFR above and below reaches for globalization and you see the "war on terror" hand delivering all of the above - you should be suspicious.
But when you see the Council on Foreign Relations funding a controversial mosque and protesting against it simultaneously, there is only one conclusion to be made:
This "War on Terror" is 100% absolute, utter theater. The very people making trillions from the wars are now purposefully generating hatred, division and animosity to continue their lucrative genocide and continue their designs of world domination they openly write about. They bought the land for Fiasal Abdul Rauf, they fielded his supporters and detractors, who are then parroted verbatim by the media pundits they own, and the blogging shills they pay to infiltrate the alternative media with. Their "clash of civilizations" materializes before their very eyes based on the shear ignorance of American people and their emotional knee-jerk reactions.
Worst of all, our "elected" politicians, from the American President to the Senators all are fully aware of who and what the CFR is. Many of them are members and if they are not, their advisers are.
Here is the final passage from William Kristol's "Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong on the Ground Zero mosque, says FPI Director William Kristol" and realize Kristol who represents the inner most circle of Neo-Conservatives in America, all of whom are CFR members, just wrote an entire article condemning Mayor Bloomberg's comments regarding the Ground Zero Mosque, with the mayor himself, also being a CFR member:
"The conclusion of Bloomberg’s speech was odd: “Political controversies come and go, but our values and our traditions endure—and there is no neighborhood in this City that is off limits to God’s love and mercy, as the religious leaders here with us can attest.” Do the rest of us need Bloomberg’s hand-picked religious leaders to tell us that there are no limits to God’s love and mercy? We do doubt that encouraging this mosque to be built is an appropriate expression of respect for God’s love and mercy for those who were killed almost nine years ago. And we would note that no expression of New Yorkers’ love and gratitude for the victims of September 11 has yet been built at the site of Ground Zero during Mayor Bloomberg’s tenure.
It is likely, we believe, that civic pressure will cause the mosque to be moved elsewhere—Bloomberg’s lecture notwithstanding. But if Bloomberg were to have his way, it’s worth noting that he would presumably attend a dedication of Feisal Abdul Rauf’s mosque at Ground Zero before he would attend a dedication of a proper memorial to those who died there.
Contemporary liberalism means building a mosque rather than a memorial at Ground Zero—and telling your fellow citizens to shut up about it."
What Kristol leaves you with is a choice to make, left or right. He himself questioned Faisal Abdul Rauf's funding, but where did he provide the answer? Surely a man with such connections could find out easier than I did...
The danger when confronted with a news story, especially a controversial one, by not asking yourself the important questions, is being forever trapped in a false paradigm. A cage not of steel, but of your own ignorance. One within which you may send your son off to die because you fell for absolute utter theater put on by a single organization with soulless scum posing in different masks on opposing sides. Always click "About Us" and never settle on a conclusion until you have all the facts. Knowledge is power; that is not a cliche that is literally the difference between freedom and slavery, life and death.
There is a conspiracy to dominate the planet. It is not one of Christians, not Muslims, not Jews, but rather godless nihilistic zionist megalomaniacs. The globalists play each and every angle, whatever will work in a certain geological location, upon a certain cultural paradigm. The goal of meticulously documenting the CFR connections above to the foundations funding "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf, was to illustrate how large the CFR is. It illustrates how interconnected the CFR is with other think tanks and foundations.
Upon the CFR's 2009 roster, you can find authors of what you read in the bookstore, in the pages of Newsweek and Time magazine, the commentators you see in news editorials and the expert commentators brought onto mainstream media news shows.
The CFR has a sister organization in the United Kingdom called the Chatham House. It is equally as large, backed by the world's largest corporations, and infiltrating your daily news with their nefarious interjections.
Here, the Huffington Post allots a whole page to the "editorials" of Robert Amsterdam who is grooming another globalist operative, Thaksin Shinwatra who is leading, not "radical" Muslims, but this time a "people's revolution" in Thailand, on behalf of foreign investors. You will notice Robert Amsterdam's firm, Amsterdam & Peroff on the above list, second from top.
Definitely, we can see the same globalists, partnering with any personality that will have them, exploiting them along whatever paradigm will work at the moment. While the CFR uses "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf in America to divide along theology and Constitutional rights, the Chatham House and International Crisis Group is using Thaksin Shinwara to divide Thailand along economic class.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
Taking center stage of the "clash" is the now infamous, "Ground Zero Mosque."
It was previously reported that the "Ground Zero Mosque", officially known as the Cordoba House, is the vision of "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations' Religious Advisory Committee.
Read here
It was also reported that the dual organizations Rauf is using to promote and fund his activities are the Cordoba Initiative and the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA). ASMA had listed several large globalist foundations as its supporters including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Read more about this "support" here
It was established that the Council on Foreign Relations' corporate membership consists of various and notorious war profiteering corporations, including KBR and Veritas Capital Fund's DynCorp, the top 2 profiteers of the Iraq war by 2007.
Read more about these Iraq war profiteers here
The Council on Foreign Relations individual membership consists of notorious "Neo-Conservatives", including Dick-head Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Vin Weber, John R. Bolton, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Robert Zoellick. It also consists of General David H. Petraeus, General Stanley McCrystal, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Timothy F. Geithner, Paul Volcker, Henry M. Paulson, Jr. who are currently working under (or over) President Obama's administration.
Read more here
So when one considers that war mongering, war profiteering corporations, and establishment politicians from both sides of the aisle are members of a single organization, funding the divisive "Ground Zero Mosque", one can't help but feel it is nothing more than a stunt, a hoax, foisted upon the American public in order to continue their lucrative, endless wars while allowing them to wrestle away whatever is left of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Researching deeper into the organizations funding "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf's ASMA organization, one sees this apparent conspiracy in absolute definitive terms.
The Money Men
Let's take a look at the complete list of "supporters" that appears on Rauf's ASMA website.
- Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Rockefeller Brothers
- Rockefeller Philanthropy
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Global Fund for Women
- William & Mary Greve Foundation
- The Sister Fund
- The Russell Family Foundation
- Danny Kaye & Sylvia Fine Foundation
- Graham Charitable Foundation
- Deak Family Foundation
- Henry Luce Foundation
- The Elizabeth Foundation
- The Ms. Foundation
- Hunt Alternatives
The Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Carnegie Corporation of New York is chaired by CFR member Thomas H. Kean. According to the Carnegie Corporation's own website, Mr. Kean "...was tapped by President George W. Bush to head The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States (the "9/11 Commission")..."
Read about board of directors here
Other CFR members populating the Carnegie Corporation of New York include:
- Richard Beattie: Chairman of the global law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
- Ralph J. Cicerone: "president of the National Academy of Sciences, is an atmospheric scientist whose research in atmospheric chemistry and climate change has involved him in shaping science and environmental policy at the highest levels nationally and internationally."
- Susan Hockfield: president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Norman Pearlstine: Chief Content Officer of Bloomberg, formally a senior advisor to the Carlyle Group’s telecommunications and media group.
- Thomas Pickering: Vice chairman of Hills & Company (Carla Hills of the CFR's consultant firm)and until 2006 was Senior Vice President of Boeing International Relations (Boeing is a corporate member of the CFR.)
- James D. Wolfensohn: former president of the World Bank, Chairman of Citi International Advisory Board (Citi is a CFR corporate member), founder of the Brookings Institute's Wolfensohn Center, and "served both as Chairman of the Finance Committee and as Director of the Rockefeller Foundation and of the Population Council, and as member of the Board of Rockefeller University."
Former director of multiple CFR corporate members Helene L. Kaplan, former Clinton Secretary of State Warren Christopher, and former FCC chairman Newton N. Minow are the Carnegie Corporation's three honorary trustees, and all three are also members of the CFR.
The Rockefellers
The Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors consist of senior staff members who "offer an average of 20 years each in grantmaking experience with major foundations, both domestic and international, including the Ford Foundation, the Levi-Strauss Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the John A. Hartford Foundation."
- Judy Belk for instance, had previously worked for the Ms. Foundation, also listed above as supporters of "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf's ASMA organization.
- Chris Page: was a former program officer at the Ford Foundation
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is chaired by CFR member Stephen B. Heintz.
- Nicholas Burns: CFR member, Former ambassador, National Security Council member under Clinton
- Miranda Kaiser: CFR member, deputy counsel of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme
- Vali Nasr: "Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Fellow at the Dubai Initiative at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University"
- Timothy O'Neil: Senior strategy officer at Goldman Sachs & Co, which of course, is a "founding" corporate member of the CFR.
- Steven C. Rockefeller: Chaired the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee whose preamble is an open declaration for world government and reads:
"... We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations...."
He is also a CFR member.
Advisory Trustees for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund include David Rockefeller, Rockefeller patriarch, and CFR member, Jonathan F. Fanton CFR member, Robert B. Oxnam, also a CFR member.
Read more about these trustees here
Global Fund for Women
According to the Global Fund for Women's annual report which can be downloaded in .pdf format here, this organization has received over 10 years of financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. Ms. Foundation (which is also a supporter of Rauf's ASMA organization,) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, Citigroup Foundation, Morgan Stanley, are just a few donors on the extremely long list of globalist, CFR listed corporations.
The Ms. Foundation
Founded by CIA operative Gloria Steinem, the Ms. Foundation, according to its annual report found under their publication section here, is funded by the Ford Foundation (over $1 million USD), Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, Citi Foundation, Time Warner, amongst many others.
Hunt Alternatives Fund
Founder and president Swanne Hunt sits on the Council of Foreign Relations. Within the Hunt Alternatives Fund is the Prime Movers fellowship program that serves as a nexus for "social movements".
Primary Movers listed on Hunt Alternatives Fund's website includes:
- Van Jones: former adviser to President Obama, member of the Center for American Progress think tank.
- Daisy Khan: co-founder with Rauf of the above mentioned ASMA.
- Jim Wallis: CFR Religious Advisory Committee member, Jim Wallis is also currently a member of President Obama's White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He publishes Sojourners which has printed several articles in defense and in support of Faisal Abdul Rauf's "Ground Zero Mosque:"
- Who Wins When the U.S. Restricts Religious Freedom?
- In support of the Cordoba House (Part 1)
- The Implications of Calling Cordoba House a "Mosque"
One Council, Two Lies, One Goal
CFR Sends its Proponents:
Jim Wallis' publication, Sojourners, provides for us the "tolerant" narrative of this false paradigm.
"Islam did not attack America on Sept. 11 — terrorists did."
"A mosque isn’t being proposed for Ground Zero; more accurately, the Cordoba House is a community center, to be built at 51 Park Place (multiple blocks away from Ground Zero) by an organization currently located across the street at 45 Park Place that has been serving that community for years."
"Thankfully, America has a Bill of Rights that protects against such erosions of liberty."
And if you believe the "official" account of 9/11, and believe this is a genuine Muslim group seeking "outreach" this all sounds reasonable.
When you see the CFR funding the Cordoba House, up one side and down the other and don't believe the government's official account of 9/11, your suspicious are raised by such commentary.
CFR Sends its Detractors:
Counter to CFR member Jim Wallis' "tolerant" narrative, comes fellow CFR member and a senior adviser to the Coalition in Iraq, Dan Senor's "intolerant" narrative, published in the Wall Street Journal. The article was also posted on the CFR's official website;
Read the open letter on the Ground Zero mosque
"However, while we will continue to stand with you and your right to proceed with this project, we see no reason why it must necessarily be located so close to the site of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."
"Those attacks, as you well know, were committed in the name of Islam. We applaud and thank every Muslim throughout the world who has rejected and denounced this association. But the fact remains that in the minds of many who are swayed by the most radical interpretations of Islam, the Cordoba House will not be seen as a center for peace and reconciliation. It will rather be celebrated as a Muslim monument erected on the site of a great Muslim "military" victory—a milestone on the path to the further spread of Islam throughout the world."
"Our deeper concern is what effect Cordoba House would have on the families of 9/11 victims, survivors of and first responders to the attacks, New Yorkers in general, and all Americans."
Here, Senor claims there are "many" Muslims who will not only see the Cordoba House as a monument of victory (for an attack Muslims didn't commit), but are also partaking in an implied campaign of world domination to "spread" Islam. This is also very believable, assuming one believes the government's official narrative of 9/11 and the imminent threat presented by "radical" Islam.
This paradigm was reinforced by the "Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West" DVD. In a rare mass mailing that saw the propaganda piece arrive at millions of American homes from the mysterious "Clarion Fund", Americans received their Fox News approved primer on "radical" Islam. Interviewees included, professed Zionists, journalists writing for the Jerusalem Post, lawyers specializing in anti-Semitism, a former Nazi, a former PLO member, and a spy for the UK police.
Read more about these "interviews" here
In an almost cartoonish, intelligence insulting manner, "Obsession" proposes to us that Islam is the great threat of our time and that the "War on Terror" waged by the likes of President George Bush and his inner circle of Neo-Cons, is our only hope of saving Western civilization. We take a look at Bush's war mongering inner circle who lurked within William Kristol's Project for a New American Century think tank before Bush became president in 2000:
Check these:
- Elliott Abrams, CFR member, PNAC signatory.
- Eliot Cohen, CFR member, PNAC signatory.
- Lewis Libby, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Richard Cheney, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Vin Weber, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Paul Wolfowitz, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Douglas Feith, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- John Bolton, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- John McCain, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Daniel Pipes, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Robert Zoellick, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Robert Kagan, CFR member, PNAC signatory
- Francis Fukuyama, CFR member, PNAC signatory
PNAC 2.0: Foreign Policy Initiative
Other notable Neo-Conservatives that can be found on the CFR are the members of William Kristol's reinvented PNAC called the Foreign Policy Initiative.
Robert Kagan is on the Initiative’s board of directors and a CFR member – Jamie Fly is executive director of the Initiative, also a CFR member - Ellen Bork, Initiative director, also a CFR member - Dan Senor sits on the board of directors and is also, a CFR member.
The FPI has come out decisively against the Ground Zero Mosque. In a piece titled "Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong on the Ground Zero mosque, says FPI Director William Kristol," Kristol starts by saying,
"Last Tuesday, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on the subject of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. His remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas that are held onto, at once smugly and desperately, by today’s liberal elites. Our liberation from those dogmas, and from those elites, is underway across the nation."
A man surrounded by CFR globalist elites, who are funding both the "conservative" and "liberal" agenda at once is already framing this, at the expense of his respect for his reader's intelligence as a liberal vs. conservative false paradigm. He continues...
"...As is the way of contemporary liberals, Bloomberg spoke at a very high level of abstraction. He appealed to the principle of religious toleration, while never mentioning the actual imam who is responsible for and would control the planned Ground Zero mosque. To name Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf might invite a consideration of his background, funding, and intentions. Do Rauf and his backers believe in the principles underlying the “inspiring symbol of liberty” that greets immigrants to the United States and before which Bloomberg stood?..."
Perhaps Mr. Kristol should have his own board of directors ask the good "Imam" where his funding comes from at the next CFR meeting? Or perhaps Mr. Kristol needs the American people who he claims to speak for, to remind him they are not as stupid as he thinks they are. That they are not incapable of clicking on the "About Us" button on their public, official websites, from the CFR, to the Cordoba Initiative, and all the way back to fake right-wing conservatives like Kristol.
And so they come full circle, they began with the CFR fully funding Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf's ASMA organization, looked extensively at how each foundation was either funded by globalist CFR members, or directly controlled by CFR members. They saw how the Ground Zero Mosque received praise from CFR fake left-wingers like Jim Wallis of Sojourner, then how fake CFR right-wingers like Dan Senor and his FPI colleague Bill Kristol lead the debate with intolerance, anger, and zeal on the opposing side.
When you consider the corporate membership of the Council on Foreign Relations is making trillions off of the endless war on terror, they themselves started and now refuse to end, when you consider Mr. Rockefeller's Earth Charter Initiative's open declaration for global government, and how every arm of the CFR above and below reaches for globalization and you see the "war on terror" hand delivering all of the above - you should be suspicious.
But when you see the Council on Foreign Relations funding a controversial mosque and protesting against it simultaneously, there is only one conclusion to be made:
This "War on Terror" is 100% absolute, utter theater. The very people making trillions from the wars are now purposefully generating hatred, division and animosity to continue their lucrative genocide and continue their designs of world domination they openly write about. They bought the land for Fiasal Abdul Rauf, they fielded his supporters and detractors, who are then parroted verbatim by the media pundits they own, and the blogging shills they pay to infiltrate the alternative media with. Their "clash of civilizations" materializes before their very eyes based on the shear ignorance of American people and their emotional knee-jerk reactions.
Worst of all, our "elected" politicians, from the American President to the Senators all are fully aware of who and what the CFR is. Many of them are members and if they are not, their advisers are.
Here is the final passage from William Kristol's "Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong on the Ground Zero mosque, says FPI Director William Kristol" and realize Kristol who represents the inner most circle of Neo-Conservatives in America, all of whom are CFR members, just wrote an entire article condemning Mayor Bloomberg's comments regarding the Ground Zero Mosque, with the mayor himself, also being a CFR member:
"The conclusion of Bloomberg’s speech was odd: “Political controversies come and go, but our values and our traditions endure—and there is no neighborhood in this City that is off limits to God’s love and mercy, as the religious leaders here with us can attest.” Do the rest of us need Bloomberg’s hand-picked religious leaders to tell us that there are no limits to God’s love and mercy? We do doubt that encouraging this mosque to be built is an appropriate expression of respect for God’s love and mercy for those who were killed almost nine years ago. And we would note that no expression of New Yorkers’ love and gratitude for the victims of September 11 has yet been built at the site of Ground Zero during Mayor Bloomberg’s tenure.
It is likely, we believe, that civic pressure will cause the mosque to be moved elsewhere—Bloomberg’s lecture notwithstanding. But if Bloomberg were to have his way, it’s worth noting that he would presumably attend a dedication of Feisal Abdul Rauf’s mosque at Ground Zero before he would attend a dedication of a proper memorial to those who died there.
Contemporary liberalism means building a mosque rather than a memorial at Ground Zero—and telling your fellow citizens to shut up about it."
What Kristol leaves you with is a choice to make, left or right. He himself questioned Faisal Abdul Rauf's funding, but where did he provide the answer? Surely a man with such connections could find out easier than I did...
The danger when confronted with a news story, especially a controversial one, by not asking yourself the important questions, is being forever trapped in a false paradigm. A cage not of steel, but of your own ignorance. One within which you may send your son off to die because you fell for absolute utter theater put on by a single organization with soulless scum posing in different masks on opposing sides. Always click "About Us" and never settle on a conclusion until you have all the facts. Knowledge is power; that is not a cliche that is literally the difference between freedom and slavery, life and death.
There is a conspiracy to dominate the planet. It is not one of Christians, not Muslims, not Jews, but rather godless nihilistic zionist megalomaniacs. The globalists play each and every angle, whatever will work in a certain geological location, upon a certain cultural paradigm. The goal of meticulously documenting the CFR connections above to the foundations funding "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf, was to illustrate how large the CFR is. It illustrates how interconnected the CFR is with other think tanks and foundations.
Upon the CFR's 2009 roster, you can find authors of what you read in the bookstore, in the pages of Newsweek and Time magazine, the commentators you see in news editorials and the expert commentators brought onto mainstream media news shows.
The CFR has a sister organization in the United Kingdom called the Chatham House. It is equally as large, backed by the world's largest corporations, and infiltrating your daily news with their nefarious interjections.
- Accenture
- Amsterdam & Peroff
- Aviva
- BakerPlatt
- Barclays Capital
- BHP Billiton International Services Ltd
- Bloomberg
- Booz & Company
- British American Tobacco
- City of London
- Clifford Chance LLP
- Coca-Cola Great Britain
- Control Risks
- Nestle
- Detica
- Economist
- The Eni S.p.A.
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Goldman Sachs International
- Herbert Smith LLP
- Pepsi Cola International
- Home Office
- HSBC Holdings plc
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Japan Bank for International Cooperation
- JICA UK Office
- Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
- MediCapital Bank plc
- Merck & Co Inc
- Mitsubishi Corporation
- Nomura International plc
- Oliver Wyman
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Rio Tinto plc
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Tesco
- The European Azerbaijan Society
- Thomson Reuters
- City Bank
- Towers Watson
- Embassy of the United States of America
- Vodafone Group
- Warburg Pincus
Here, the Huffington Post allots a whole page to the "editorials" of Robert Amsterdam who is grooming another globalist operative, Thaksin Shinwatra who is leading, not "radical" Muslims, but this time a "people's revolution" in Thailand, on behalf of foreign investors. You will notice Robert Amsterdam's firm, Amsterdam & Peroff on the above list, second from top.
Definitely, we can see the same globalists, partnering with any personality that will have them, exploiting them along whatever paradigm will work at the moment. While the CFR uses "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf in America to divide along theology and Constitutional rights, the Chatham House and International Crisis Group is using Thaksin Shinwara to divide Thailand along economic class.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
U.S doomed in Afghanistan - The graveyard of Empires
Admiral Mullen has admitted defeat in Afghanistan. Like a defeated general, he had only two lines left to offer:
Admiral Mullen and General David H. Patraeus should look at this map of Afghanistan and explain to the world public why the insurgents need any safe havens. The Afghan Mujahideen “the so called Taliban” control 80% of the territory. Why would be need FATA for re-supplies. Most of the arms they use are American arms taken from NATO, ISAF and US forces. Why would the need 303s from Waziristan?
So when America gets its troops, it will continue its mantra about “safe havens”. Blaming Pakistan is natural for a failing super power who has lost 80% of the Afghan countryside to the insurgents.
Meanwhile in Washington, "the current year of fighting in Afghanistan is the fourth year in a row that insurgents have gained the upper hand ", US Admiral Mike Mullen said Friday.
Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the level of violence in Afghanistan is 80 percent higher than 2009. “Certainly from that standpoint, we’re not winning,” he said. “And in an insurgency, you’re either winning or you’re losing.”
Military planners earlier this year described the US mission in Afghanistan as close to failure, prompting a top-level review of the war strategy. US President Barack Obama in December 1 address to the nation ordered 30,000 troops to report to duty in Afghanistan in a renewed push to prop up the Kabul government.
Mullen said his top officers began calling on foot soldiers and civil affairs experts to stand ready within 72 hours of the presidential speech. The 30,000 troops fell short of what the top military brass had asked for, though NATO foreign ministers came forward recently with a pledge to commit 7,000 troops to the war. But with the growing number of Afghan resistance fighters, US now seems to be doomed just like the great Soviet Union which had more than half a million troops on ground whereas US only has less than 80,000. It's just a matter of time before the WhiteHouse officially announces its defeat in the Graveyard of Empires.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
- ”...I need more troops...".
- “...I blame someone else for my incompetence ...”.
Admiral Mullen and General David H. Patraeus should look at this map of Afghanistan and explain to the world public why the insurgents need any safe havens. The Afghan Mujahideen “the so called Taliban” control 80% of the territory. Why would be need FATA for re-supplies. Most of the arms they use are American arms taken from NATO, ISAF and US forces. Why would the need 303s from Waziristan?
So when America gets its troops, it will continue its mantra about “safe havens”. Blaming Pakistan is natural for a failing super power who has lost 80% of the Afghan countryside to the insurgents.
Meanwhile in Washington, "the current year of fighting in Afghanistan is the fourth year in a row that insurgents have gained the upper hand ", US Admiral Mike Mullen said Friday.
Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the level of violence in Afghanistan is 80 percent higher than 2009. “Certainly from that standpoint, we’re not winning,” he said. “And in an insurgency, you’re either winning or you’re losing.”
Military planners earlier this year described the US mission in Afghanistan as close to failure, prompting a top-level review of the war strategy. US President Barack Obama in December 1 address to the nation ordered 30,000 troops to report to duty in Afghanistan in a renewed push to prop up the Kabul government.
Mullen said his top officers began calling on foot soldiers and civil affairs experts to stand ready within 72 hours of the presidential speech. The 30,000 troops fell short of what the top military brass had asked for, though NATO foreign ministers came forward recently with a pledge to commit 7,000 troops to the war. But with the growing number of Afghan resistance fighters, US now seems to be doomed just like the great Soviet Union which had more than half a million troops on ground whereas US only has less than 80,000. It's just a matter of time before the WhiteHouse officially announces its defeat in the Graveyard of Empires.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
Why the Need of Revolution?
Why the Need of Revolution?
As we have crossed the twentieth century, many people have lost hope in the future. The reason for this loss of hope is that there seems to be no alternative to the capitalist system. Communism and socialism have failed. The idea of fundamental change, the idea of revolution, has been defeated by the reality of it. Without an alternative to the system, fundamental change seems out of the question. We seem doomed to live in the grip of a system which defines human life in terms of profit and loss, competition and inequality.
Without an alternative to capitalism, the deepest human values and most important human relationships will be forever under attack by the demands of the economy and the dictates of the elite.
Hope in the future and belief in the possibility of revolution are inextricably linked. Belief in the possibility of revolutionary change is the key to the belief that human beings have the capacity to create a human world. What We Mean by Revolution
The real power lies in the hands of elites for whom working people are merely a source of profit or a dangerous problem. The elite manipulate the institutions of society to strengthen their power. They encourage unemployment to make people desperate. They set black and white and men and women against each other. They take from the poor to fatten the rich.The present society is based on elite values of selfishness, inequality, and competition. Most ordinary people believe in the opposite values: sharing, solidarity and equality. Revolution means transforming all the institutions and relationships of society to reflect the best values of ordinary working people.
Most people already try to shape their little piece of the world with their values. Revolutions occur when ordinary people gain enough confidence in themselves as the source of the good in society to change the whole world. Revolution means sweeping away elite power and setting up none slave institutions in every workplace and neighborhood, where the voices and votes of working people can determine the direction of society. It means unleashing the creativity and power for good in people, to fulfill together our potential as human beings.
Why We Need A Revolution
Many people fear the future, and indeed the future which capitalism holds for most people is dark and frightening. People will increasingly be robbed of economic security, to make them more controllable. More power over our lives will be in the hands of the wealthy few. Technology will increasingly be used not to free but to enslave us to unfulfilling jobs or unemployment; millions of people, even billions worldwide, will be treated as surplus population.
But whatever the future holds the real reason for revolution lies in the present. Capitalism is not just an economic system; it is a system of human relations which maintains its power by attacking every day the things most essential to our humanity: our understanding of ourselves and our fellow human beings and our relations with them. Capitalism attacks every aspect of our lives by setting us against each other in a race for money and status. The need for revolution comes from the dehumanizing nature of capitalism in our everyday lives.
Real change requires that we abolish a system based on wealth and power for the few and create society based on real freedom and hope for the many.
Workers Are the Force for Change But whatever the future holds the real reason for revolution lies in the present. Capitalism is not just an economic system; it is a system of human relations which maintains its power by attacking every day the things most essential to our humanity: our understanding of ourselves and our fellow human beings and our relations with them. Capitalism attacks every aspect of our lives by setting us against each other in a race for money and status. The need for revolution comes from the dehumanizing nature of capitalism in our everyday lives.
Real change requires that we abolish a system based on wealth and power for the few and create society based on real freedom and hope for the many.
At the heart of society there is a conflict between opposing views of human life. On one side is the owning class, who value competition, inequality, and control from above. On the other side are those who do the work of society and value equality, solidarity, and control from below. This is the class war.
When the battle breaks out into the open, it shakes society to its core. For three weeks in late 1995, two million French public sector workers struck against attacks on retirement and social welfare programs in France. Their strike brought massive outpourings of public support in France and beyond. Belgian railway workers went out on a national sympathy strike with French workers. The world elite feared that the strike might spread throughout Europe.
These strikes in France, like a recent one-day general strike in London, Ontario, and the months-long newspaper strike in Detroit and the three-year struggle of Staley workers in Illinois, did not fall from the sky. They sprang from the everyday values of working people.
Revolution is possible because most people in their everyday lives already struggle to shape the world with values that contradict the dog-eat-dog values of capitalism. Every supportive human relationship, every positive element in society, is a product of ordinary people's struggle against a brutal system to create a more human world. This struggle to humanize the world drives history and social change. Without it the world would be savage and unlivable.
Revolution means the overthrow of elite rule and the success of people's struggle to shape the world with their values. When millions of working people realize that they are fit to rule and that they can make a better world, they will be an unstoppable force.
When the battle breaks out into the open, it shakes society to its core. For three weeks in late 1995, two million French public sector workers struck against attacks on retirement and social welfare programs in France. Their strike brought massive outpourings of public support in France and beyond. Belgian railway workers went out on a national sympathy strike with French workers. The world elite feared that the strike might spread throughout Europe.
These strikes in France, like a recent one-day general strike in London, Ontario, and the months-long newspaper strike in Detroit and the three-year struggle of Staley workers in Illinois, did not fall from the sky. They sprang from the everyday values of working people.
Revolution is possible because most people in their everyday lives already struggle to shape the world with values that contradict the dog-eat-dog values of capitalism. Every supportive human relationship, every positive element in society, is a product of ordinary people's struggle against a brutal system to create a more human world. This struggle to humanize the world drives history and social change. Without it the world would be savage and unlivable.
Revolution means the overthrow of elite rule and the success of people's struggle to shape the world with their values. When millions of working people realize that they are fit to rule and that they can make a better world, they will be an unstoppable force.
Burn a Qur'an day scares American and NATO troops in Afghanistan
The top American commander in Kabul, Afghanistan has warned that plans by a small Florida church to burn copies of the Qur'an Paak on Saturday, the so called anniversary of the so called September 11 "attacks", could play into the hands of the very Islamic Anti-American Liberation Armies of Afghanistan at whom the church says it is directing that message.
Burning copies of the Qur'an Paak, the Muslim holy book, “would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence”, the commander, Gen. David H. Petraeus said in an e-mail message to The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Echoing remarks the general made in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday, he said: “It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort. It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban use and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.”
In 2005, violent and sometimes lethal riots were set off around the world by a mistaken report by Newsweek that a Pentagon investigation had found that military interrogators of detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, tried to flush a Qur'an Paak down a toilet (Naooz Billah). The same year, a Danish newspaper printed cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad also led to riots across the Muslim world.
Terry Jones, the notorious freemason pastor of the tiny Florida church that plans the Qur'an Paak burning, says that as an American Christian he has a "right to burn the Qur'an" because “it’s full of lies.”
Some of his prior attempts to incite anti-Islamic fervor have met with less public attention. Last year, he posted a sign at his church declaring “Islam is of the devil.”
Muslim leaders in several countries, including Egypt and Indonesia, have formally condemned him and his church, the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, which has 50 members.
In Afghanistan, meanwhile, a district governor from Baghlan Province was assassinated by Taliban insurgents on Monday night along the Kunduz-Baghlan highway in the north of Afghanistan, officials said.
Armed insurgents stopped the white Toyota Hilux of Ahmad Soror, 30, the governor of Nahreen District. The militants then shot the official and his driver, said Munshi Abdul Majid, the governor of Baghlan Province.
The Kunduz-Baghlan highway is the major road connecting Kabul to the north of the country. It is especially heavily traveled during this week, as Afghans flock to their home villages to visit family for Id al-Fitr, the holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic fasting month.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
Burning copies of the Qur'an Paak, the Muslim holy book, “would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence”, the commander, Gen. David H. Petraeus said in an e-mail message to The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Echoing remarks the general made in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday, he said: “It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort. It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban use and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.”
In 2005, violent and sometimes lethal riots were set off around the world by a mistaken report by Newsweek that a Pentagon investigation had found that military interrogators of detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, tried to flush a Qur'an Paak down a toilet (Naooz Billah). The same year, a Danish newspaper printed cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad also led to riots across the Muslim world.
Terry Jones, the notorious freemason pastor of the tiny Florida church that plans the Qur'an Paak burning, says that as an American Christian he has a "right to burn the Qur'an" because “it’s full of lies.”
Some of his prior attempts to incite anti-Islamic fervor have met with less public attention. Last year, he posted a sign at his church declaring “Islam is of the devil.”
Muslim leaders in several countries, including Egypt and Indonesia, have formally condemned him and his church, the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, which has 50 members.
In Afghanistan, meanwhile, a district governor from Baghlan Province was assassinated by Taliban insurgents on Monday night along the Kunduz-Baghlan highway in the north of Afghanistan, officials said.
Armed insurgents stopped the white Toyota Hilux of Ahmad Soror, 30, the governor of Nahreen District. The militants then shot the official and his driver, said Munshi Abdul Majid, the governor of Baghlan Province.
The Kunduz-Baghlan highway is the major road connecting Kabul to the north of the country. It is especially heavily traveled during this week, as Afghans flock to their home villages to visit family for Id al-Fitr, the holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic fasting month.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
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