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Every soul which has given Shahadah by uttering the words, "لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله" enters Islam and becomes a Muslim. Let us first analyse what a Muslim is?
There are some basic beliefs upon which the building of Islam holds,
Belief in One, Unique, Incomparable God (Allah); in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgment and individual accountability for actions; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death.
These are the very fundamentals which are to be believed by every Muslim. Further comes, the five pillars of Islam; which are the identification of a Muslim. They are the framework of the Muslim life: faith, prayer, concern for the needy (Zakaat), self-purification (Fasting), and the pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able.
It's very easy for a person to obey all the commands of Allah. Ain't it? NO! Had there been no Satan (Shaitan) with every Muslim, it would have been very easy. Every Muslim has got a shaitan with him who 24/7 is after him. What is his work? It's just to make the man disobey Allah.
How is that so? He (the satan) actually tries his best to keep the man abstained from doing good deeds. For an instance, he (Satan) will not ask you to leave the prayer, what he does is, he'll first persuade you to leave the sunnah rakaáts convincing you that you're too tired to do that.

Then he'll ask you to pray as fast as you can. Gradually, you'll be persuaded by him to leave the prayer for today. Doesn't make a difference if you leave it for a day. Eventually you'll abandon praying. Same goes with every good deed.
Here the very easy solution is determination. Be determined, stick to it, recite "La hawla wala Quwwata" when ever you feel like being overwhelmed by satan, And you can over power him.
But this is not how he leaves you for-good, he's always chasing a Muslim. A Muslim though he be a student, a teacher, a doctor, an engineer or even an Aalim (Scholar) is being chased by satan 24/7. An Aalim has a satan of larger intensity. It's actually equal to the knowledge and piousness of the man.
Shaitan is a vast term which sums up all the negative and evil forces which cause the man to indulge in bad deeds. The plural is Shayateen. These Shayateen and negative forces are embedded all over the world. On the way to your work place, where you go to meet some one, when you eat outside.. even in your toilet (it is infact their favourite place) so on and so forth. Once it gets into the body of a man, it's objective is to attack the weakest point of the body. Which results in various problems like cancer, migraine, falling of hair, osteoporosis, back bone ache etc etc.
The girls today are very fond of visiting half the earth with untied hair, wearing inches of make-up so that they look good and better than the other one. I tell you, they actually look more good and attractive to shayateen first than to human beings. They (evil) enter into the body and then cause various problems that are commonly observed in today's girls such as; various health problems, marriage problems, child birth problems etc.
These are some of the aspects of the shayateen which cause a man to suffer physically. They attack a man spiritually and morally too. Today's youth heavily indulged in vulgarity is due to the same reason.
Observing these verses regularly helps instantly in seeking protection of Allah from all evils and one can stay safe.
Lets recall a few Duas that should be observed by all Muslims in our daily life.

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force
Every soul which has given Shahadah by uttering the words, "لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله" enters Islam and becomes a Muslim. Let us first analyse what a Muslim is?
There are some basic beliefs upon which the building of Islam holds,
Belief in One, Unique, Incomparable God (Allah); in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgment and individual accountability for actions; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death.
These are the very fundamentals which are to be believed by every Muslim. Further comes, the five pillars of Islam; which are the identification of a Muslim. They are the framework of the Muslim life: faith, prayer, concern for the needy (Zakaat), self-purification (Fasting), and the pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able.
It's very easy for a person to obey all the commands of Allah. Ain't it? NO! Had there been no Satan (Shaitan) with every Muslim, it would have been very easy. Every Muslim has got a shaitan with him who 24/7 is after him. What is his work? It's just to make the man disobey Allah.
And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies – Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications. [ Al-Anaam 112]
How is that so? He (the satan) actually tries his best to keep the man abstained from doing good deeds. For an instance, he (Satan) will not ask you to leave the prayer, what he does is, he'll first persuade you to leave the sunnah rakaáts convincing you that you're too tired to do that.
Then he'll ask you to pray as fast as you can. Gradually, you'll be persuaded by him to leave the prayer for today. Doesn't make a difference if you leave it for a day. Eventually you'll abandon praying. Same goes with every good deed.
Here the very easy solution is determination. Be determined, stick to it, recite "La hawla wala Quwwata" when ever you feel like being overwhelmed by satan, And you can over power him.
But this is not how he leaves you for-good, he's always chasing a Muslim. A Muslim though he be a student, a teacher, a doctor, an engineer or even an Aalim (Scholar) is being chased by satan 24/7. An Aalim has a satan of larger intensity. It's actually equal to the knowledge and piousness of the man.
Will you then take him (Iblees) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zalimoon (polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc )[ Al-Kahf 50]
Shaitan is a vast term which sums up all the negative and evil forces which cause the man to indulge in bad deeds. The plural is Shayateen. These Shayateen and negative forces are embedded all over the world. On the way to your work place, where you go to meet some one, when you eat outside.. even in your toilet (it is infact their favourite place) so on and so forth. Once it gets into the body of a man, it's objective is to attack the weakest point of the body. Which results in various problems like cancer, migraine, falling of hair, osteoporosis, back bone ache etc etc.
The girls today are very fond of visiting half the earth with untied hair, wearing inches of make-up so that they look good and better than the other one. I tell you, they actually look more good and attractive to shayateen first than to human beings. They (evil) enter into the body and then cause various problems that are commonly observed in today's girls such as; various health problems, marriage problems, child birth problems etc.
These are some of the aspects of the shayateen which cause a man to suffer physically. They attack a man spiritually and morally too. Today's youth heavily indulged in vulgarity is due to the same reason.
- Now, the question is, how can we stay safe from these shayateen?
Observing these verses regularly helps instantly in seeking protection of Allah from all evils and one can stay safe.
Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w said, Dua is the weapon of a Momin, Pillar of Islam and the divine light (Nuur) of Sky.
Lets recall a few Duas that should be observed by all Muslims in our daily life.
- Greeting a Muslim Brother
As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Translation: May the peace of Allah descend upon you and His Mercy and Blessings.
Translation: May the peace of Allah descend upon you and His Mercy and Blessings.
- Before Meal
Bismillahi wa 'ala baraka-tillah.
Translation: With Allah's name and uon the blessings granted by Allah (do we eat).
Translation: With Allah's name and uon the blessings granted by Allah (do we eat).
- After having a meal
Alham do lillah hilla-thee At Amana wa saquana waja 'alana minal Muslimeen.
Translation: All praise is due to Allah who gave us food and drink and who made us Muslims.
Translation: All praise is due to Allah who gave us food and drink and who made us Muslims.
- On sneezing
Alhamdulillah! (right graphic) / Alhamdu lillahi 'ala kull-lee ha-leen (left graphic).
Translation: Thanks and all praise be to Allah (or) Thanks and all praise be to Allah under all conditions.
Translation: Thanks and all praise be to Allah (or) Thanks and all praise be to Allah under all conditions.
- On hearing some one sneeze
Yar Hamoo kall Lah.
Translation: May Allah have mercy on you.
Translation: May Allah have mercy on you.
- Entering the toilet
- Leaving the toilet
- Upon awaking
Alhamdulillah-hillathee ah-yana ba'da ma ama tana wa ilayhi nushoor.
Translation: Many thanks to Allah who gave us life after having given us death and (our) final return (on the Day of Qiyaamah (Judgement)) is to Him.
Translation: Many thanks to Allah who gave us life after having given us death and (our) final return (on the Day of Qiyaamah (Judgement)) is to Him.
- Undertaking a journey
Subhanalla-thee sakh-khara-lana haatha wa-ma kun-na lahoo muqrineena wa inna ila Rabbina la-mun-qali-boon.
Translation: Glory be to Him (Allah) who has brought this (vehicle) under our control though we were unable to control it. Sure, we are to return to our Lord.
Translation: Glory be to Him (Allah) who has brought this (vehicle) under our control though we were unable to control it. Sure, we are to return to our Lord.
Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force