In the late 1940s, pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard declared:
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" - Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, p.1
L. Ron Hubbard established the Church of Scientology (CoS) in 1954 against the following backdrop: He had dropped out of college with failing grades. Although he would later claim a distinguished wartime naval career, Hubbard in fact never saw combat and left the USZ Navy petitioning the Veterans Administration for psychiatric care. Two bigamous marriages failed. He found success writing pulp/science fiction, but as he declared in the late 1940s:
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."
Hubbard took up ritual magic, the occult and hypnosis, giving demonstrations of hypnosis in 1948 and writing to his literary agent about a therapy system he was working on that had tremendous promotional and sales potential. (2) Piecing together hypnotic techniques, Freudian theories, Buddhist concepts and elements of other philosophies and practices, Hubbard came up with Dianetics. He published DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH in 1950.
In Dianetic practice the "patient", working with a partner called an "auditor" recalls past painful experiences in reverse chronological sequence, supposedly erasing their negative effects and attaining a state called "clear", allegedly free from all ills. The auditor carefully records any intimate revelations, including sexual or criminal activities and marital or family troubles; these records are kept on file.
Hubbard represented Dianetics as a mental health therapy. He absurdly asserted that it was "scientifically based and developed through careful research", and his use of the word "patient" suggests that he anticipated acceptance of Dianetics by the medical profession. But he never produced copies of any research protocol. Dianetics was opposed immediately by the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association, the latter recommending that its members limit use of Dianetic techniques to investigation only, until Hubbard claimed results could be corroborated.
The illiterate public, however, made the book a bestseller, and it seemed that Hubbard's fast money making plan had worked. He created the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation to promulgate his theories and techniques. With auditors repeatedly asking patients in trance state to recall "earlier similar incidents", patients began to report past lifetime experiences. Hubbard incorporated belief in past lives into his evolving ideology (which means a man's soul comes in this world again and again, it just changes its body everytime {similar to Hindu belief of punar janam}), discussing the concept in his second Dianetics book, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL. The Hubbard Foundation began to collapse as the initial Dianetics craze wore off, and Hubbard's new-found emphasis on past lives exacerbated tensions with the Foundation's financial partners. By 1952 Hubbard was penniless and had lost control of Dianetics.
Scientology is Born
Hubbard became interested in a type of lie detector called the "electropsychometer" that he believed would yield better results in auditing. He obtained a franchise for this device, which he renamed the Hubbard Electrometer, or E-meter. He began calling patients "pre-clears" and "within six weeks had created a new subject apparently out of thin air."
Op. cit., Jon Atack, chapter 10.
Hubbard called his new subject Scientology and in introducing it, he claimed to have discovered the human soul. Whereas Dianetics had addressed the body, Scientology involved freeing souls (which Hubbard called "thetans") from supposed entrapment in the physical or material world and restoring their alleged supernatural powers. Hubbard established a headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, awarded himself the degree of D.Scn. (Doctor of Scientology) and in May 1952 incorporated the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International under the personal control of himself and his third wife, Mary Sue. The AMA meanwhile continued its opposition to Dianetics and Scientology. In 1953 Hubbard regained control of Dianetics after a protracted legal battle and incorporated the Church of Scientology, Church of American Science and Church of Spiritual Engineering. In 1954 he incorporated the Church of Scientology of California, which became the mother church. In 1956 the church was granted USZ federal tax-exempt status.
One critical thing that we must keep in mind here is that Hubbard was a staunch admirer of the Zionist Magician Aleister Crowley, who used to call himself as "The AntiChrist" in his writings. The book entitled "Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century" by Jan Van Helsing describes Hubbard as a member of Illuminati.
Hubbard and his colleagues were physically attacked andonly narrowly escaped a kidnap attempt. But the enormous influence by the Scientologychurches shows that Hubbard was not just an innocent victim. And L. Ron surely knew athing or two about some important events of this world because he not only spent his165 “magician years” in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema Church in California, but he had also risen tothe 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite Masonry (perhaps even to the Illuminati degrees).But let’s get to the “real” stuff now. What I just told you so far can be found in other books,too.So now I will tell you something about L. Ron Hubbard and his Church of Scientology which you won’t find in any other book on this planet.The so-called “auditing” techniques of Hubbard are a very handy way to regress somebodyinto his past as well as into his past lives. So Hubbard was very busily regressingthousands and thousands of people further and further back into their past lives, and hediscovered the same strange incident in all of his clients. This happened absolutelyindependently from all the other sources I mentioned so far. He discovered informationstored in every client’s subconscious and came up with the exact same story on every client.In the constellation Pegasus there is a solar system called MARCAB, a sun surrounded byseven planets. But the sun is going to die.
So the humanoid Marcabians who, in our termswould be “evil” in nature, looked about for another planet to move to. Well, having goodtaste, they finally decided to take the planet Earth. But there were people on this planet whowere in the way for them to settle down here with all their people. But on the other handthese people could be used as slaves, freeing the Marcabians from having to work. So theymade up a plan and contacted one race down her, with whom they made a deal that, if theywould help them to undermine every nation and take them over silently, they would makethem the ruling people of Earth. Well guess which people the Marcabian made the dealwith? BINGO! – the Hebrews! L. Ron Hubbard found out what the Sumerian records, the Gilgamesh epic, the Christian Bible and other books describe as well, that Marcabian “god-like” beings came down fromheaven with flying saucers. The ancient people not knowing about machines, described them as something they could relate to: a flying cloud or a “flying wheel that came from heaven” with noise and steam, or the “eye of God” (surely it must be an accident that theeye on the Illuminati sign on the one-dollar bill has the shape of a saucer?)...
Read further from chapter 57 of this book. Download it from here
The above quotation very well explains why Hubbard was obsessed with Aliens and the so called alien god named Xenu from the very beginning in his writings. He was an illuminati pawn. And he made it very much clear when he committed blasphemy of Rasool Allah s.a.w during his lecture.
Lately, a freelance journalist Paulette Cooper wrote a book entitled "The Scandal of Scientology" (Download here) exposing Scientology and Dianetics inside out. It exposed the classical zionist patterns in their activities i.e., taking lots of money from their followers and killing everyone who would stand in their way. They start off with their free advices. Once the person is trapped, they gradually start taking huge amounts of money and the person is in such a mental trance that he/she pays open heartedly at that moment. Paulette Cooper was harassed by the Church of Scientology so much that she writes in her latest writing of 2007:
"Looking over my shoulder, The Inside Account of the Story That Almost Killed Me: The Scandal of the Scandal of Scientology".
Read more about Operation Freak Out carried out by the church against her, here.
According to the Church of Scientology's original policy letter:
"Enemies of the Church are FAIR GAME. They may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any scientologist without ANY DISCIPLINE OF THE SCIENTOLOGIST. They may be TRICKED, SUED, LIED TO OR DESTROYED."
They also made it practical. Several ex-scientologists have been brutally murdered and even though FBI had complete proofs, nobody could lay a finger on the Church of Scientology. That includes Lisa McPherson, Josephus A. Havenith, Jeremy Perkins, Noah Lottick, Harriet Baker, and hundreds of others.
Pakistan is getting increasing attention from the Church of Scientology and they have established a Dianetics and Mind Sciences center in Karachi. The stooge government supports them like an NGO. After their program Criminon, they have started propogating their narconon program, they have gotten the book of Hubbard "Way to Happiness" translated in Urdu language and are now propagating the Dianetics Program through Professor Moiz Hussain, a pseudo scholar, who blends the concepts of Scientology with fictitious version of self made Islam and presents the whole picture to the illiterate masses in such a way that people buy the ideas of Dianetics thinking of them as Islamic. The irony of this game is that he claims to be ANTI-SCIENTOLOGY and still any analyst having minute traces of rationality remaining in his brain can see the scientology practices in his talks, his methodologies, and in the courses that TIMS offers.
From 2nd paragraph:
"...Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counseling known as auditing, in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects...". This has also been clearly discussed above in the article.
NOW listen at 1:49-2:05 that Mr.Moiz is doing exactly the same thing as in Scientology. Also in the start of the video, note that Ron Hubbard's E-Meter has now been renamed as Bio-Feedback GSR to confuse their mindless zombie followers but still the purpose of both remains exactly the same!
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Mr. Moiz Hussain who blends Scientology concepts (although he claims to be against scientology) with his self made Islam and feeds to illiterate Pakistani masses |
Watch closely by clicking this text, Mr. Moiz is trying to give the perception that Spirituality has got nothing to do with Islam. And now, for the first time, the way of concenration in Namaz is NOT Adab-e-Ilahi rather its some gross mind science. BEWARE!
Edited lately:The ZIONIST MEDIA CHANNELS in Pakistan including GEO are giving full coverage to this mason calling him to morning shows, talk shows, discussion forums and also giving explicit coverage to the programs of Dianetics Center Karachi. They, as a means to achieve personal excellence, are targeting middle class working individuals. Professionals are getting their courses certifications to attach to their CVs to make them look good. They have no idea what this whole movement is about. Recently we had Hubbard's Birthday celeberated at the City's Arts Councils! Anybody wanting to warn about Scientology in Pakistan, etc., keep the message simple: Dianetics is Scientology. Narconon is Scientology. Criminon is Scientology. WISE and anything else with 'LRH tech' is Scientology. Scientology is a wacky Illuminati religion sponsored by Rockefellers.
One of the most dangerous techniques used in Scientology is HYPNOSIS.
And look at this, Moiz Hussain's institute of Mind Sciences has the same HYPNOSIS as one of its courses. They also have TANTRA, SILVA MIND CONTROL, and several other courses which have got NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM AND STILL THEY TALK IN THE NAME OF ISLAM! LOOK AT THE LEFT UNDER COURSES ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF TIMS:
Also check how Jose Silva, the founder of Silva Mind Control, says: "We DON'T NEED any Super Being to solve OUR problem anymore". Click here to watch
I invite you all to do a bit of self research on this subject and you'll eventually find all the material that I couldn't cover here in. Simply search on youtube for "Truth of Scientology" and see what you get.
A few informative links:
- Truth of Scientology
- Detailed documentary on Scientology (25 minutes long)
- A quick overview of Scientology beliefs
Today, directly across the street from the Fort Harrison Hotel, where Lisa McPherson suffered and died, Scientology's new 380,000-square-foot headquarters is under construction. It is called the "Super Power" building, after the "Super Power Rundown" ("rundown" in Scientology parlance = a series of steps designed to produce a certain result) which, according to Hubbard, "consists of 12 separate high power rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the tech never before approached... [giving a Scientologist] the super powers of infinity".
Allah says in Qur'an:
"O you who have believed, surely wine and games of chance, and altars (for idols) and divining (i.e., divination by arrows or in any other way) are only an abomination of Ash-Shaytan's (The all-vicious, the Devil) doing, so avoid it, that possibly you would prosper." (Al-Qur'an - 5:90)
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force
1 comment:
Assalam o Alaikum ...
I have read your blog about Scientology. I am research student and doing research on Scientology in Pakistan. Need some more information about its centers and their working in Pakistan. Please Kindly if anyone provide me some useful and authentic information about it, it will be very kind of you.
Thank you
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