Can he who was dead to whom We gave life, and a Light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without Faith their own deeds seem pleasing. (122) Thus have We placed leaders in every town, its wicked men, to plot (and burrow) therein: but they only plot against their own souls, and they perceive it not. (123) When there comes to them a Sign (from Allah), they say: “We shall not believe until we receive one (exactly) like those received by Allah’s messengers.” Allah knoweth best where (and how) to carry out His mission. Soon will the wicked be overtaken by humiliation before Allah, and a severe punishment for all their plots. (124) [Surah Anaam]
The historic and colossal Pakistan Resolution was passed on 23rd March, 1940 and resulted in the creation of Pakistan on 14th August, 1947. Unfortunately for Pakistanis, they lost their true and genuine leader a year later. Since then, Pakistan has been brutally battered by the enemies within and without. The morale and hope of Pakistanis have been on decline as decade after decade the nation was foot-balled between despotic dictatorships and incompetent democracies.
It was during this scenario, when a few years ago, a man of Allah emerged and gave Pakistanis hope, revived their faith, and led them to a sacred mission. That mission is Takmeel-e-Pakistan and that blessed man standing strong in the face of all adversaries is Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid. On 23rd March, 2010, exactly 70 years after the Pakistan Resolution was passed, the patriotic people of Pakistan, in the leadership of Sir Zaid Hamid, passed the resolution for Takmeel-e-Pakistan in the same city of Lahore where Pakistan Resolution was passed.
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Passing of Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution, 23rd March 2010, Lahore |
They pledged that they would bring to Pakistan the system of government that was present in the Islamic state of Madinah Munawarah. ‘Takmeel’ means completion of a project. The Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution states that this country was created in the name of “La ilaha illallah” and the purpose of its creation can only be achieved with the implementation of “Mohammad-ur-Rasoolullah [saww]“.
پاکستان کا مطلب کیا؟
لا الہٰ الااللہ
پاکستان کا مقصد کیا؟
محمّد رسول الله
لا الہٰ الااللہ
پاکستان کا مقصد کیا؟
محمّد رسول الله
Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution 23rd March 2010
Pakistan was created in the name of Islam by a soldier of Allah, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Its idea too was given by a Dervaish and Faqir of Allah, the mystic poet, whom the world knows as Allama Iqbal. This nation of patriotic and Islamic people has been waiting a long time to see the implementation of the Islamic principles, system and laws for which this country was made. Now, the time has come to practically do something about it. As the first anniversary of the Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution is approaching, we should get in gear to face any challenges that come in our way of establishing our beloved homeland. This is the Madina-e-Sani which was created due to the special blessing of Allah [swt] and Rasoolullah [saww].
Blessed will be those who will become a part of this sacred mission. Those who have been opposing this Takmeel and are still spreading thorns in the way of a few good men, should know that Allah is not dependent on them. He will give this task to the blessed few InshaAllah, and the ones opposing it will bite the dust in the end.
Patriotic Muslims of Pakistan!
Wake up and gather at this moment in history!
Who knows, what times are coming?!
Why not live a life with some purpose?
Why not die with dignity, fulfilling your duty to Allah and the Prophet [PBUH]?
Why not leave a name behind that the others would cherish?
Gather under the flag of Truth!
Follow this follower of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] as his path surely leads to salvation!
Peace be to all patriotic Pakistanis!
Pakistan Zindabad!!!
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