The RQ-170 stealth drone made by Lockheed Martin
“It’s not like you can just park a Predator overhead — the Pakistanis would know”, an unnamed former official was quoted as saying. The monitoring effort also involved satellites, eavesdropping equipment and CIA operatives based at a safe house in Abbottabad. The agency declined to comment on the story, the newspaper said. "The CIA’s repeated secret incursions into Pakistan’s airspace underscore the level of distrust between the United States of Zionism and a country often described as a key counterterrorism ally, and one that has received billions of dollars in USZ aid", the dispatch said. The aircraft can also eavesdrop on electronic transmissions so that USZ official could listen in on Pakistan's response.
Another stealth aircraft, a Black Hawk helicopter with specially designed cladding to dampen noise and avoid detection, was also used in the Abbottabad operation. But USZ forces destroyed it after a crash landing during the raid, leaving only a tail section behind. USZ officials noted that Predators and other non-stealth surveillance aircraft could have been detected by Pakistani radar and other systems at military and nuclear facilities near bin Laden's compound. The drones, which the Post suggested may have been Lockheed Martin's RQ-170 Sentinel model, can film at steep angles in all directions and so would not need to hover directly over their target.
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