Sunday, 7 November 2010

U.S.Z vs China - Final showdown starts - End of globalization, outsourcing and "free" trade

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Many economists and financial experts can smell a catastrophic crash of the world economy once again in the very near future, facing a crisis of epic dimensions for reasons largely obscured by the inflamed politics of 2010 between the dying superpower of United States of Zionism and the newly emerging Super Power of People's Republic of China. Against the wish of U.S.Z, the United States of Zionism and China have been drawn into an increasingly nasty and dangerous fight over currencies and trade. American politicians and banking cartels especially the globalist Builderberg group and its notorious crime partners Rothschild and Rockefellers hiding behind the mask of U.S.Z Federal Reserve, have framed the conflict in familiar moral terms i.e., a melodrama of America wronged; and demand global retaliation. Japan's latest anti-China protests link up pretty nicely here. Other nations, sensing the risk of a mammoth breakdown, have begun to take protective measures. Every nation for itself. The center is not holding anymore. Malaysia has already started Gold and Silver coins as its primary currency boycotting the international trade charter of IMF.

It's public knowledge that the Hollywood quality acting star of the globalists, Obama wants to whack Social Security benefits to lure Republicans into a deal on raising taxes. In that case, keep Alan Simpson on the commission on reducing the federal deficit;

"his tasteless zingers are doing more harm than good."
William Greider

The political circus obscures the fact that the basic economic problem is larger than any single nation and stalks the global trading system itself. There is a huge hole in the world—a massive loss of demand. Think of the trade wars as the largest producers fighting over an abrupt shortage of buyers. Financial collapse and recession, with falling income, defaulting debt and rising unemployment, made this hole.

The political hastle zeroes in on China. Beijing is accused of playing cunningly, snatching jobs from U.S.Z, production and wealth. Washington imposes a penalty tariff on Chinese tires and tubular steel. Beijing pushes back with a tariff on U.S.Z poultry. Puppet Obama once again urges China to stop manipulating its currency to underprice Chinese exports and stymie U.S.Z goods going the other way. China once again blows off his request. United Steelworkers ups the ante by filing a 5,800-page complaint detailing how China is scheming to corner the global market in green technologies. Obama promptly orders an investigation.

“What do the Americans want?” asks the vice chair of Beijing’s National Development and Reform Commission. “Do they want fair trade? Or an earnest dialogue?… I don’t think they want any of this. I think more likely, the Americans just want votes.”

He definitely hit the nail on the head. But the American neocons "claim" that China’s hardball industrial strategy has had something to do with America’s anemic recovery. The House, divided on everything else, voted 348-79 in September to authorize tariffs on nearly all Chinese imports if Beijing does not relent in its currency game.

A poll by the Zionist Wall Street Journal found that 53 percent (including 61 percent of Tea Party adherents) think free-trade globalization has hurt the U.S.Z economy. Only 17 percent think it has helped. But the trouble with Americans claiming injured innocence is that it blinds them to the complexities of the predicament. The fact is, the United States of Zionism and China, motivated by different but mutually reinforcing reasons, collaborated to create the unbalanced trading system. American multinationals eagerly sought access to China’s market. The Chinese wanted factories and the modern technologies needed to develop a first-class industrial base. American companies agreed to the basic trade-off: China would let them in to make and sell stuff, and they would share technology and teach Chinese partners how it’s done. Not coincidentally, U.S.Z corporations also gained enormous bargaining power over workers back home by threatening to go abroad for cheaper labor if unions didn’t give wage concessions.

Washington blessed the deal. Both parties were convinced decades ago that improving the fortunes of globalizing banks and businesses was in the broad national interest. The Clinton administration capitulated to Chinese negotiators in 2000, admitting China to the World Trade Organization while giving up legal tools that could have controlled China’s appetites.
Chinese officials understand, even if many Americans do not, that they are essentially doing what the trading system has allowed or at least tolerated from many others. Washington grumbled when Japan and then South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore pursued similar development strategies. Arrogant U.S.Z policy-makers assumed that these rivals would eventually adopt the U.S.Z model and become more like U.S.Z. They never really have.

The problem is that when a nation of 1.3 billion successfully advances along this road, it blows out the lights. Decades ago, when Washington scolded Japanese officials for violating free-trade orthodoxy, they bowed humbly and made agreeable noises. The Chinese don’t bother. They are unabashed because they have always been much more up front about their intentions. In the early 1990s Beijing published a series of directives for major industrial sectors, describing precisely how the state intended to direct the rise of its industrial base. China manipulates its currency—though so do other governments when it serves their interests (indignant senators bash China for depressing its currency, but Washington is doing the very same thing to the dollar through the money spigots of the Federal Reserve). The Chinese also know that Japan suffered years of depressed growth after Washington pushed it into raising the value of its currency.

China pirates U.S.Z intellectual property, which is not wrong since there has been nothing like "intellectual property" in any of the glorious civilizations that have come in the past. Knowledge is for everyone. It suppresses wages to attract factories from the United States of Zionism and elsewhere. It lures major U.S.Z multinationals by offering tax breaks and subsidies—but it also compels the companies to share their precious technologies with Chinese partners, who are always majority owners which brings us to the present crisis. China’s exports exploded toward the end of the Clinton years and expanded even more ferociously under George W. Bush. So did the offloading of U.S.Z jobs and manufacturing. China’s wave of new competition crashed over every industrial economy, but disruptions were most devastating for the United States of Zionism. American trade deficits soared, peaking at close to 6 percent of GDP in 2006. Imports from China dwarfed exports in sector after sector, including many advanced technological goods developed in America. The goods are often made by U.S.Z companies, but not here. The U.S.Z economy has been buying more than it produces—a lot more—and borrowing from foreign creditors, most heavily from China, to do so.

“I admire the Chinese for recognizing the world economy is still a jungle, despite all of its legal trappings”, says Alan Tonelson, a conservative trade critic at the U.S.Z Business and Industrial Council. “But here’s the problem. They don’t seem to understand that unless the U.S.Z economy recovers its financial and economic health, the entire world will come crashing down. The reason is, we won’t be able to serve any longer as the import sponge that buys from everyone else”.

We have reached the endpoint of globalization as we have known it. It cannot continue as before, because the United States of Zionism is essentially tapped out. Goliath has fallen and cannot get up. Who will lend a hand? Not China, obviously, but also not Japan and the Asian Tigers, or the European nations. All are dealing with their own problems. All but the smallest economies run perennial trade surpluses with the United States of Zionism. Giving up some of those surpluses means surrendering some portion of domestic growth in order to stabilize the system. No one wants to go first. This is a dangerous impasse, the kind that can easily slip into a general unwinding i.e., depression; if not resolved smartly. “The world is no longer in a common foxhole…but in many different foxholes”, observes economist Paul McCulley of PIMCO, the world’s largest bond house. Japan and South Korea devalue their currencies to protect their exports (so has theUnited States of Zionism). Brazil puts limits on capital inflows to stop foreign money from destabilizing its economy. Currency war is a surrogate for trade war, one of the few levers governments can still manipulate unilaterally.

For Americans the most ominous development is that trade deficits, after shrinking during the recession, are expanding rapidly again. That stands in the way of recovery and helps explain why the federal stimulus of 2009 had less punch than expected. The trap is illustrated by a few recent statistics: the U.S.Z economy expanded in the second quarter of 2010 by an anemic annualized rate of 1.7 percent. During those same months, however, the nation’s trade deficit expanded by 3.5 percent. Do the arithmetic: the U.S.Z economy would have grown at a much healthier rate if it weren’t for its dependence on products made elsewhere. Yet getting different results will take much more than currency adjustments. It means reforming the dynamics of global trade and the U.S.Z industrial structure, not just the bad habits of American consumers.

Puppet Obama, unlike his predecessors, has been trying for the past year to persuade foreign governments to cooperate, with meager results so far. Obama told G-20 leaders in April 2009, “The world has become accustomed to the United States of Zionism being a voracious consumer market and the engine that drives a lot of economic growth worldwide…. [But] if there’s going to be renewed growth, it can’t just be the United States of Zionism as the engine. Everybody is going to have to pick up the pace”. At the G-20 meeting this past June, he was more explicit. “After years of taking on too much debt”, he said, “Americans cannot—and will not—borrow and buy the world’s way to lasting prosperity. No nation should assume its path to prosperity is simply paved with exports to the United States of Zionism”.

The Zionist Timothy Geithner

There’s no easy road to peace. The target is not only China but some of Washington’s old friends, who run bloated surpluses at U.S.Z expense. The Obama administration pushed concrete measures at the meeting of finance ministers in South Korea in October. One of the core Zionist, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner proposed a new global rule that would require nations running trade surpluses to shrink them to no more than 4 percent of GDP, presumably by buying more imports from debtor countries, while debtor nations like the United States of Zionism would have to reduce deficits by the same amount, to less than 4 percent.

Geithner’s strict numerical limits were not accepted, but his proposal represents an important first step—a U.S.Z administration coming to terms with American weakness and stepping away from the free-trade dogma that led to the crisis. The president recognizes the global nature of the problem. But I expect he will be compelled to take a tougher step—acting unilaterally.

Washington can accomplish this only through unilateral action, not free-trade agreements. It has to rewrite trade law, tax law and policies on workforce development and subsidy. Resistance will be fierce, given the power and influence of big-name banks and corporations, but the public will surely support efforts to make the big guys serve the country’s well-being instead of following their globalist agenda.

If Washington doesn’t make these broad structural changes, another popular idea will prove illusory that U.S.Z manufacturing can be rebuilt around green technologies. China is already doing this, and is far ahead. It has 35 percent of the global market in solar panels and is poised to dominate other green technologies. The United States of Zionism, in fact, has swelling trade deficits in this sector. American companies work both sides of the competition, collecting subsidies on both ends.

Doubters may say that the Zionists don't have the nerve to tackle this problem. They may be right. But they are clearly thinking along these lines. Their puppet Obama is the first president in thirty years to call for restoration of U.S.Z manufacturing. This past summer he pushed modest tax measures that give a small advantage to home-based producers. The impact was so meager that Republicans didn’t bother to object. But the GOP may also have grasped that measures favoring U.S.Z factories over foreign ones will be wildly popular with voters. Obama repeated the message before a Labor Day audience in Milwaukee, saying, “I don’t want to see solar panels and wind turbines and electric cars made in China. I want them made right here in the United States of Zionism.”

The best evidence for Obama’s potential comes from liberal-labor reformers fighting the trench warfare on trade cases while advocating far more fundamental reforms. “The president has been true to his word and very supportive on trade-law enforcement—better than any president since before NAFTA”, says Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers. “The president is trying to do the right thing on outsourcing, on taking away tax breaks from multinationals”.

The U.S.Z computer industry employs only 166,000, fewer than in 1975, when the first PC was assembled; while the industry in Asia employs 1.5 million workers, engineers and managers. The world’s largest computer maker, China’s Foxconn, employs 800,000. They make the products Americans and the rest of the world know as Dell, Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and Intel.

Foxconn, China - The maker of Dell, HP, Apple, Microsoft and Intel.

Union leaders suspect that the same story is playing out at General Electronics (GE). The company was founded on Edison’s invention of the incandescent bulb, but this past summer GE closed its last U.S.Z light-bulb factory, a highly automated, nonunion plant in Winchester, Virginia. Old-style bulbs will still be made in Latin America and Asia, where wages and healthcare are cheaper, and for a time they will still be sold in the United States of Zionism with the GE label. But the company is moving on, shifting to two new green-tech products that promise vast reductions in energy consumption. U.S.Z Congress is effectively banning U.S.Z production of incandescents by mandating efficiency standards, starting in 2012.

One of the big worries Americans have about China's rising economic power concerns its immense holdings of U.S.Z government debt. The fear is that Chinese actions regarding these holdings could end up destabilizing the U.S.Z economy, or that they could be used as a political tool to influence American policy. If China, let's say, got angry at Washington over its support for Taiwan or the Dalai Lama, Beijing could retaliate by dumping U.S.Z Treasury bills. Or perhaps China would sell Treasuries as part of a no-confidence vote on the future of the U.S.Z economy. By selling American debt, China would weaken the value of the dollar, damage investor sentiment towards the U.S.Z economy and make it harder for Washington to finance its giant budget deficits.

There is a huge possibility that China will soon completely stop using U.S.Z Dollar in its global trade. The start of it was seen when China and Turkey signed a joint trade agreement where it was a part of the agreement that none of the two countries will use U.S.Z Dollar as a mutual trade currency.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

Why is Modern Democracy prohibited in Islam?

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Democracy in the light of Islam: 

Democracy is a man-made system, meaning rule by the people for the people. Thus it is contrary to Islam, because rule is for Allah, the Most High, the Almighty, and it is not permissible to give legislative rights to any human being, irrespective of who he is.

Undoubtedly the democratic system is one of the modern forms of shirk, in terms of obedience and following, or legislation, as it denies the sovereignty of the Creator and His absolute right to issue laws, and ascribes that right to human beings. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named (forged) — you and your fathers — for which Allaah has sent down no authority. The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism); that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not” [Yusuf 12:40]

“The decision is only for Allaah” [al-An’aam 6:57]

The one who understands the true nature of the democratic system and the ruling thereon, then he nominates himself or someone else (for election) is approving of this system, and is working with it, is in grave danger, because the democratic system is contrary to Islam and approving of it and participating in it are actions that imply apostasy and being beyond the pale of Islam.

But as for the one who nominates himself or nominates others in this system in order to join the parliament and enjoin good and forbid evil, and establish proof against them, and reduce its evil and corruption as much as he can, so that people of corruption and disbelievers in Allah will not have free rein to spread mischief in the land and spoil people’s worldly interests and religious commitment, this is a matter that is subject to ijtihaad, according to the interests that it is hoped will be served by that.

Some scholars are even of the view that getting involved in these elections is obligatory.
  • Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on elections, and he replied: I think that elections are obligatory; we should appoint the one who we think is good, because if the good people abstain, who will take their place? Evil people will take their place, or neutral people in whom there is neither good nor evil, but they follow everyone who makes noise. So we have no choice but to choose those who we think are fit.

If someone were to say: We chose someone but most of the parliament are not like that,
  • We say: It does not matter. If Allah blesses this one person and enables him to speak the truth in this parliament, he will undoubtedly have an effect. But what we need is to be sincere towards Allah and the problem is that we rely too much on physical means and we do not listen to what Allah says. So nominate the one who you think is good, and put your trust in Allah.

It is not permissible for a Muslim to nominate himself in the hope that he can become part of a system which rules according to something other than that which Allah has revealed and operates according to something other than the shari’ah of Islam. It is not permissible for a Muslim to vote for him or for anyone else who will work in that government, unless the one who nominates himself or those who vote for him hope that by getting involved in that they will be able to change the system to one that operates according to the shari’ah of Islam, and they are using this as a means to overcome the system of government, provided that the one who nominates himself will not accept any position after being elected except one that does not go against Islamic shari’ah.

The Muslims in a country that is not governed according to Islamic sharee’ah should do their utmost and strive as much as they can to bring about rule according to Islamic shari’ah, and they should unite in helping the party which is known will rule in accordance with Islamic shari’ah. As for supporting one who calls for non-implementation of Islamic sharee’ah, that is not permissible, rather it may lead a person to kufr, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And so judge (you O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) among them by what Allaah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) far away from some of that which Allah has sent down to you. And if they turn away, then know that Allaah’s Will is to punish them for some sins of theirs. And truly, most of men are Faasiqoon (rebellious and disobedient to Allaah)."

Do they then seek the judgement of (the days of) Ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm Faith” [al-Maa'idah 5:49-50].

Hence when Allah stated that those who do not rule in accordance with Islamic shari’ah are guilty of kufr, He warned against helping them or taking them as allies or close friends, and He commanded the believers to fear Him if they were truly believers. He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Take not as Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers) those who take your religion as a mockery and fun from among those who received the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before you, and nor from among the disbelievers; and fear Allaah if you indeed are true believers” [al-Maa’idah 5:57]

And Allah is the Source of strength. May Allah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Democracy in Baba Iqbal's R.A words:

(Iblees is sitting with his five advisors and starts a meeting with self-praising statements and explains what he has done so far to take the world at this stage. First advisor affirms his strategies and explains the state of people around the world. Second advisor reminds them about a threat. But first advisor corrects him and refutes his fear. Third advisor reminds them about another “serious” threat. Forth advisor provides the solution to that threat. Fifth advisor explains that “serious” threat again in more detail to let Iblees understand the seriousness of the matter. Iblees who is listening to all advisors refutes all of the fears that they have but discloses his own fear and considers it a “Real” threat to his satanic system. He explains why he is afraid of that threat and then he finally tells them what to do.)


 An old game of needs this mean world’s tact, To heavenly host hopes a cold blood act.
 That Great Maker bent to wreck earth soon, Who gave it a name of ‘KAF’ and ‘NOON’.
 To Europe I gave the kingship’s dream, I broke the spell of church and mosque’s team.
 I taught to the poor a lesson of fate, To the wealthy I gave the wealth’s craze great.
 Who can put out that fire’s big blaze, Of riots whome Satan had set ablaze.
 To plants we watered, caused to be trees, Who can bring that old tree to knees.

The Satan’s order is firm every where, The masses too like the servitude snare.
 The bows were writ for the poor in fate, A pray without stay their nature’s trait.
 Either in his heart a wish does not lie, If wakes up ever, would be raw and die.
 Isn’t this a marvel of constant push’ hence, That Mullah is tied with kingship fence.
 A best booze it was to Eastern nature then, No lesser vice singing to ‘eloquence’ ken.
 The Haj and Ka’aba Rounds yet a rite though, The nude sword of Moniin is blunt I know.
 On whose despair he formed a queer view, "On Muslim war is banned in this age new"


Is this roar in goodness that masses are kings? You know not new mischiefs of underlings.


A good point well, my seeing eye hails, No danger too there from a kingship’s veil.
 We gave to kingship the masses rule’s dress, Self conscious now is man with self’s ingress.
 The kingship science has a different sense, It needs not a garb of a monarch hence.
 May be Nation’s Council or Kaiser’s court, A king’s eye craves a foreign land or port.
 Didn’t you see western democratic track, Whose face is shining but inner is black.


What is the harm if lives the royal soul, What is the answer to that Jew’s wicked role.
 That Moses sans vision! that Christ sans cross, He’s not prophet, but, keeps Book for a gloss*.
 How to show that heathen’s shameless eyes, To East, West nations a doomsday lies.
 No worst cancer looks than his nature’s bent, That the slaves have toppled the. master’s tent.
 *Gloss a narration on foot notes, (Fig) here it means a deceptive appearance (over a life of secret wrong doings, a false or misleading inter relation).


Its counter action see in Rome’s big halls, We have shown his Sons, dream of Caesar’s call.
 Who is now wrapped with waves of Roman Sea, Like lute they weep oft, oft they grow like pine’s tree.

 I can’t admire his prudence and care, Who laid bare the Europe’s statecraft snare.


Due to thy burning this world gets balance, When you wished laid bare each hidden face hence.
 Thy heat in his clay the world’s pomp and show, You taught the heaven’s fool, a wisdom so.
 Than thee He knows not the nature of men, Who is famous as God, in the fool’s ken.
 Whose duty was praise, rosary and round, Due to thy envy, in shame ever bound.
 All wise men of West are thy pupil though, I have no faith yet in their wisdom so.
 That mischief monger Jew, the Muzdak’s soul. Each tunic gets torn from his crazy goal.
 A crow looks prone to seize the hawk’s force, How quick the time changes nature’s course.
 Being restive she scanned the skies vast space, Like fools we counted ‘dust’ of human race.
 The horrors of future, looking so great, With hills and vales shiver the brooks in spate.
 My Master! that world is going to doom, The world which looks to thy Leadership’s boom.
SATAN (To His Advisor):

Thus lies in my hold the world’s pomp an show, This earth, the Sun and Moon, the Sky’s glow.
 Shall see the East and West my game and roar. As soon I warm up Western nation’s gore.*1
 The pontiffs of church, the leaders of State, My one din’s echoe for them a dread great.
 To her a modern world if a fool espies; This culture’s wine cups will someone break and sea?
 The collars to whom the Nature has torn, The logic of Muzdak*2 to them cant darn.
 How can frighten me the Socialist lads,*3 Since long jobless, confused and loafing lads.*3
 From that nation but I feel a threat grave, whose heart yet holds hidden embers of crave.
 A few of them I espy in this nation yet, At dawn who take ‘Wuzu’*4 with tear drops jet.
 He knows on whom hidden Times are bright, The Islam, not Muzdak is the future’s fright.

Xharaf Vsm

Pakistan Cyber Force
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