Thursday, 16 December 2010

!جاگو! اس سے پہلے کہ دیر ہو جائے

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

یہ کہانی میں نے اپنے ایک قریبی  دوست سے دو سال پہلے سنی تھی آج وہ وقت آگیاہے کہ آپ سے شئیر کر رہاہوں

ایک دفعہ کا ذکر ہے کہ کسی ریاست پر ایک نیا بادشاہ حکومت سمبھالتاہےجسکی عوام پہلےہی بہت خوشحال تھی اوروہاں ہر چیز کی فراوانی  تھی اور اسی وجہ سے عوام کسی کی خوشامدومنت سماجت نہیں کرتی تھی۔

آخرکار ایک دن بادشاہ کو عوام سےاپنی خوشامدومنت سماجت  کروانے   کی تمنا محسوس ہوہی گئی چنانچہ اس نے اپنے وزراء سے اس سلسلے میں مشورہ طلب کیا۔ اسکے ایک وزیر نے مشورہ دیا کہ آپ روزمرہ استعمال کی چیزوں کی فراوانی کم کر دیں تو عوام خود بخود آپ کے پاس خوشامدو منت سماجت کے لیے آجائے گی ، تو بادشاہ نے اس مشورے کو پسند کرتے ہوئے اس پرعمل کرنے کا حکم دے دیا ۔کافی عرصہ گزر گیا مگر کوئی شخص اپنی التجالے کر  بادشاہ کے پاس نہیں  آیاچنانچہ بادشاہ نے وزراء سےکوئی اور مشورہ طلب کر لیاجس پر ایک اوروزیر نے مشورہ دیا کہ عوام روزانہ شہروں میں جاکر اپنا کاروبار کرتی ہے شہروں میںجانے کا صرف ایک ہی راستہ ہے آپ ان راستوں کےسپاہیوں کو اس بات کا حکم دے دیں ہر شخص شہر میں داخلے پر ایک جوتا کھائے گا تو شہر میں داخل ہو سکے گا ورنہ نہیں ، بادشاہ کو وزیر کا یہ مشورہ پسند آیا اور سپاہیوں کو اس بات کا حکم دے دیا ۔ اس حکم پر بھی کو ئی شخص دربار میں التجا لے کر نہیں آیا چنانچہ بادشاہ نے شہر میں داخلے پر دو(٢)جوتے مارنے کا حکم دے دیاپر پھربھی کوئی شخص دربار میں نہیں آیا۔بادشاہ اس بات پر بہت غصہ میں آگیا اور عوام کوشہر کے داخلے اورخروج دونوں پر چارچار جوتے مارنے کا حکم دے دیا۔آخر کار کچھ عرصے بعد  کچھ لوگ تنگ آکر بادشاہ کے دربار میں اپنی التجا لے  کر آہی گئے جنکو دیکھ کر بادشاہ بہت خوش ہوا اور بولا :بتاؤ کیا مسئلہ ہے

وہ لوگ بولے:بادشاہ سلامت ہمیں شہر میں داخلے اور خروج کے وقت بڑی بڑی قطاروں میں جوتے کھانے کے لیے کھڑا ہونا پڑتا ہے۔آپ سے ہماری التجا ہے کہ آپ جوتے مارنے والے سپاہیوں کی تعداد بڑھادیں تاکہ ہم جلدی فارغ ہو جائیں۔

اس التجا کو سن کربادشاہ اور اسکے وزراء حیرانی سے اُن کے منہ تکتےرہ گئے۔

 یہ تھی کہانی جس میں بادشاہ کی عوام   واقعتاً آج کے پاکستان کی اکثریت عوام اور نوجوانوں   کی ترجمانی کر تی ہےبے شک آپ میری اس بات سے اتفاق کریں گےحالات تو ہمیں ا یسے ہی نظر آرہے ہیں کیو نکہ  ہماری کثیر عوام صدر مملکت کے  گھر بیٹھ کر  جوتے پہ جوتے کھا رہی ہےاور  اس کہانی کےبادشاہ کوتو رہنے ہی دیں کیونکہ اس  بادشاہ کا تو ہمارے ان حکمرانوں سے دور دور تک کوئی مقابلہ کیا  ہی نہیں جا سکتا،ہمارے حکمرانوں کو اپنی عیش وعشرت سے فرصت ہی نہیں ملتی۔بے شک یہ نہایت حرام

خور حکمران ہیں  اس بات پر ہم سب تقریباًمتفق ہیں ۔مگر مجھےایک بات سمجھ میں نہیں آتی کہ اللہ کا عذاب (مثلاًمہنگائی ،غربت ،بے روزگاری،سیلاب،زلزلے وغیرہ وغیرہ)ہم عوام اور نوجوانوں پر ہی کیوں ہو رہا ہے جبکہ ہمارے حکمران توظاہراًعیش وعشرت کی زندگی گزار رہے ہیں۔ ایسا کیوں ہے یہ اس وجہ سے ہے کہ حدیث پاک میں آتاہےکہ جیسی عوام ویسے حکمران(حدیث نبوی)۔

 ہمارے حکمرانوں  کی طرح ہم میں سے بھی اکثریت واقعتاًایسی ہی غلام،لاعلم ،بےغیرت ،حڈحرام(آرام پسند)،خودغرض وخودفروش ،بےرحم ،لالچی اورعیاش ہو گئی ہے یا بنادی گئی ہے۔بھائی وہ کس طرح ؟وہ اس طرح کہ:۔

  • ہماری اکثریت آج کے نظام باطل سے  شعوراًاور غیرشعوراًمنسلک ہے اور اس نظام کےبہترین غلام بننے کے لیے اپنی زندگیاں گزاررہی ہے۔    *  ہماری اکثریت کواس نظام باطل کا علم ہی نہیں ہےکیونکہ یاتو اس کےعلم کو نہ حاصل کرنے کی انہوں نے ٹھان رکھی ہے( حضرت نوح علیہ سلام کی قوم کی طرح) یا پھربےغیرت ہےکہ ان کو اپنی تفریحات (انٹرٹیرمنٹس) سے فرصت نہیں ملتی چاہے ان کی ماں بہنیں اور بھائی مرتے رہیں(کشمیر،فلسطین، عراق، افغانستان وغیرہ میں)،یاپھر حڈحرام(آرام پسند)ہےکہ اس نام نہاد فضول علم کو حاصل کرنے میں اپنا قیمتی ٹائم کیوں ضائع کریں۔
  •  ہماری اکثریت خودغرض ہوگئی ہےیعنی صرف اپنے لیے ہی جیتی ہےاور اسی کی جدوجہد میں لگی رہتی ہےیعنی میری تعلیم،میری نوکری ، میرا کاروبار،میری فیملی(مزید یہ کہ میری قوم ،میرےلوگ)وغیرہ وغیرہ سب خیریت سے رہیں باقی سب جائیں بھاڑ میں۔ اوراسی کے لیے اپنی خودی(ضمیر) کو بیچتی ہے۔
  • ہماری اکثریت انسان ہونے کے تجربے سے یا تو ناواقف ہے یاپھر انہوں نے اپنی خواہشات یعنی دنیا کی محبت اور موت کے ڈر سے اپنی انسانیت کو ختم کر دیا ہے۔ یعنی انکے کو ئی جذبات اور احساسات دوسرے انسانوں کے لیے نہیں رہے بلکہ وہ پورے طریقے سے بے رحم ہو گئے ہیں۔جبکہ اﷲتعالیٰ نےانسان کی فطرت میں یہ جذبات و احساسات رکھیں ہیں۔
انسان اُس وقت تک انسان رہتا ہے جب تک اسے کسی دوسرے انسان کی تکلیف کااحساس ہوتاہے۔اور جب یہ احساس وجذبات انسان سے ختم ہو جاتےہیں تووہ جانوربن جاتاہے کیونکہ یہ احساس وجذبات جانوروں کی فطرت میں بہت کم ہوتے ہیں،بلکہ وہ انسان جانوروں سے بھی بدترین بن جاتا ہےکیونکہ اس دور میں اللہ تعالیٰ ایسے جانور پیدا کر رہا ہے جواس احساس وجذبات کو دوسرے جانوروں کے لیے بھی رکھتے ہیں ، یقیناًآپ نے وہ ویڈیو تودیکھی ہی ہو ں گی جس میں  ایک شیرنی بند کے بچے کی رکھوالی کر رہی ہوتی ہے اور ایک دریائی گھوڑا ہرن کے بچے کو مگرمچھ کے چُنگل سے نکالتا ہے وغیرہ وغیرہ۔

اللہ کے لیے انسان بن جاؤ!۔
کس طرح ؟ اسلام اوراسلامی تعلیمات کے ذریعے۔کیو نکہ اسلام کا بنیادی مقصد انسان کو انسان بنانا ہے۔
اللہ نےہماری عوام  میں سے کچھ کے حالات ووسائل  اتنےاچھے کردیےہیں کہ وہ یہ سمجھ بیٹھےہیں کہ یہ سب انکے اپنے ہاتھ کی کمائی ہےاوریہ سب ان کے پاس ہمیشہ رہیں گیں۔اس لیے وہ کچھ کرتے نہیں سوائےمزید جمع کرنے(لالچی)اورنام نہادجائز عش وعشرت اور چند عبادات کے۔

کیاآپ کوآج کی اس دنیا میں اللہ کی مخلوق  پر ہونے والے ظلم وستم نظر نہیں آتے؟

مومن تو وہ ہوتا ہے جومظلوموں کو پناہ دیتاہے گھر بیٹھےصرف تسبیح نہیں پڑتا۔مومن تو وہ ہوتا ہے جو جنگل میں بکری کے بچےکےپیاسا مرجانے پر اپنے آپ کو ذمہ دار سمجھتا ہے۔مومن تو وہ ہوتاہے جو مال ودولت اورامن وامان ہونے کے باو جود اس لیے عیش وعشرت نہیں کرتا کہ کہیں دل میں تکبر نہ پیدا ہو جائے،یاکسی غریب کے دل میں احساس کمتری اورمحرومی نہ آجائے۔

خبردار! اللہ یوم آخرت میں اپنی ہر نعمت کا حساب لے گا اور یہ حساب اُن لوگوں کے لیے بہت سخت ہوگاجن کو اللہ نے اس دنیا میں بہت کچھ دے رکھاہےاورمظلوم اورمغلوب ان  لوگوں کے گریبان پکڑلیں گے جو دنیامیں نام نہاد جائزعیاشی میں لگے ہوئے تھے،جبکے اُن پر ظلم ہو رہا تھا۔ سن لو! عیاشی و عیش و عشرت صرف اُس وقت جائز ہے جب ریاست میں ہر شخص کم از کم پیٹ بھرکے کھانا کھاتا ہو اور امن و امان ہو جائےجبکہ رسول اللہﷺ اور صحابہ رضی اللہ  نے توامن وامان اور خوشحالی ہو جانے کے باوجود  سادگی کی زندگی گزاری ۔

یہ اللہ کی اِس سنت کے مطابق ہوا کہ وہ کسی نعمت کو جو اس نے کسی قوم کو عطا کی ہو اس وقت تک نہیں بدلتا جب تک کہ وہ قوم خود اپنے طرزِ عمل کو نہیں بدل دیتی۔ اللہ سب کچھ سننے والا اور جاننے والا ہے۔(53)البقرة

خوب جان لو کہ یہ دنیا کی زندگی اِس کے سوا کچھ نہیں کہ ایک کھیل اور دل لگی اور ظاہری ٹیپ ٹاپ اور تمہارا آپس میں ایک دوسرے پر فخر جتانا اور مال و اولاد میں ایک دوسرے سے بڑھ جانے کی کوشش کرنا ہے۔اس کی مثال ایسی ہے جیسے ایک بارش ہوگئی تو اسے پیدا ہونے والی نباتات کو دیکھ کر کاشت کار خوش ہوگئے۔پھر وہی کھیتی پک جاتی ہے اور تم دیکھتے ہو کہ وہ زرد ہوگئی۔ پھر وہ بھس بن کر رہ جاتی ہے الحديد 20

تمہارے مال اور تمہاری اولاد تو ایک آزمائش ہیں، اور اللہ ہی ہے جس کے پاس بڑا اجر ہے۔(15)الحديد

These Ayats reference given me my fb friend Fizan Ahmed Thanks Fizan bro

یقیناًیہ باتیں سخت اور تنقیدی ہیں اُن لوگوں کے لیے جنکے لیےمیں نے بیان کیں ہیں سخت اور تنقیدی کیو ں نہ ہو پورا قرآن ان لوگوں کے لیے ایسی ہی سخت اور تنقیدی آیات سے بھرا پڑاہے اب ان بچاروں کا بھی کیا قصور کہ انہوں نے قرآن کو کبھی  اُٹھاکر تودیکھا نہیں سوائے رمضان میں اس جاہل واَن پڑھ شخص کی طرح جو دوسروں کو دیکھانے کے لیے اُلٹا اخبار پڑھتا ہے۔(مطلب قرآن پاک یا تو بغیر سمجھے پڑھتا ہے یا پھر دوسروں کو دیکھانےکے لیے پڑھتا ہے۔)۔

آج یہاں  تقریباً ہر کوئی مسلمان ہونےکے باوجود اس بات پر لڑ رہا ہے کون سے نظام میں ہماری فلاح ہے کیا آپ لوگ اُس رسول عرابی حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بتائے ہوئےنظام حکومت کونہیں جانتے ؟تو پھر نظام کیوں ڈھونڈ رہے یقیناًآپ رسول اللہ سے محبت نہیں کرتے ،تبھی تو نظام ڈھونڈ رہے ہیں۔میں نے یہاں لفظ یقیناًاستعمال کیا ہے ۔اسکی وجہ یہ ہے کہ پاکستان کو بنے ہو ئے ٦٣ سال کا عرصہ گزر چکا ہےجبکہ ہمارے آباؤاجدادنے یہ پاکستان لاالہ الااللہ پر  حاصل کیا تھا تاکہ ہم بلاخوف اس میں محمدرسول اللہﷺکے دین کی تکمیل کر سکیں۔اور محمدرسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دین کی تکمیل صرف اسی وقت ہو سکتی ہے کہ آپ (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) کانظام حکومت دوبارہ سے قائم ہو جائے۔

وہ نظام حکومت جس سے صحابہ(ر) نےحکومتیں قائم کیں،وہ نظام حکومت جس کو کفاردین اسلام(زائنسٹ ) نےہم سے چھین کرمن مطابق اورشیطانی طرزکا ردوبدل کرکےآج اس دنیا میں تقریباً قائم کر چکے ہیں۔وہ کفار دین اسلام(زائنسٹ ) اللہ کے دین  کواتناقریب سے جانتے ہیں کہ بدقسمتی سے آج کاتقریباًہر مسلمان بھی اتنانہیں  جانتایا جاننے کی کوشش کرتایا کوشش کرپاتا ہےکیونکہ وہ تو ان شیاطین کے اُن جالوں (فرقہ واریت،شخصیت پسندی،خودپسندی (اناوتکبر)وغیرہ وغیرہ)میں ہی اتنا پھنس جاتا کہ ان سے نکلتے نکلتےہی اُس کی عمُر بیت جا تی ہے۔

آخروہ کفار دین اسلام(زائنسٹ ) اللہ کے دین کو اتنا کیوں جانتے ہیں ؟ کیونکہ وہ شیطان کی باقاعدہ پرستش کرتے ہیں اور شیطان کا نظام اللہ کے دین اسلام ونظام کے برعکس چلتا ہےاور  اللہ کے دین اسلام اورنظام کو سمجھے بغیر وہ  اسکے برعکس کیسے چل سکتے ہیں مطلب وہ شیاطین اس کام کو کرنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہیں یا کرتے ہیں جسکےکرنےسے اللہ نے انسانوں کومنع فرمایا ہےاوراس کام سے رُکنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہیں رُکتے ہیں  جسکےکو کرنے کی اللہ نے تلقین کی ہے۔

کفاردین اسلام نےاپنا نظام حکومت اس دنیا میں قائم کرنے کی ابتداء   دنیا کو رنگ ونسل اور زبان وقبیلےکی بنیاد پر ملکوں و ریاستوں میں تقسیم کر کے کی پھرانہوں نے ایک نظام بنایاجسکو  جمہوریت  کانام دیا تاکہ آسانی سےان تمام ملکوں وریاستوں میں رائج کیا جاسکےاور وہ اس میں تقریباً کامیاب ہوگئے ،درحقیقت انکا یہ نظام جمہوریت صرف نام  کی جمہوریت ہےجس میں صدرمملکت کے تقرر کے لیے لوگوں کو گنا جاتا ہےتولہ نہیں جاتا مطلب اسمیں ایک اَن پڑھ جاہل اورایک ڈاکٹر برابرہوتےہیں یعنی ان دونوں کا ووٹ ایک ہی مانا جاتا ہے۔

اس کےبرعکس

رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا نظام حکومت خلافت ہےبےشک اسی میں ہماری فلاح ہے شک صرف انہیں کو ہو سکتا ہے جونام نہاد جمہوریت کو جمہوریت سمجھ بیٹھے ہیں یا جن کے اپنے ذاتی مفادات ہیں یا پھر جو انگریز کے بوئے ہوئےبیچ کا پھل ہیں جو اب تک ٦٣ سال سے اس کا گُن گا رہے ہیں اور آج کا پاکستان ان کی جمہوریت کی بہترین مثال ہے۔اصل جمہوریت تو اس نظام حکومت خلافت میں ہوتی ہے جس میں خلیفہ کے تقرر کے لیے  لوگوں کوپہلے تولا جاتا ہے پھر گنا جاتاہے۔ جب تک ہم اس نظام حکومت خلافت کوقائم نہیں کرتے ہم اسی طرح بھٹکتے رہیں گےاورنئی نئی شکلوں میں ظالم پیدا ہوتے رہیں گے۔

    اب ہم نے اس نظام کی شروعات کہاں سے کرنی ہے؟یقیناًاپنے گھر اور اپنے رشتے داروں کو اسکا علم دے کر، کیونکہ اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے:۔  اپنے قریب ترین رشتے داروں کوڈراؤ(سورہ الشعراء)۔

    رشتے دار گھروالے ہوتے ہیں  اور ہمارا گھر یہ پاک سر زمین (پاکستان)ہےبے شک سب سے پہلے ہمیں اسی ریاست پاکستان سے اس نظام کی شروعات کرنی ہے کیونکہ وقت کا تکازہ بھی یہ ہے کیونکہ اللہ نے ہمیں تمام مسلم دنیامیں ایٹمی طاقت سے نوازاہ ہے تاکہ ہم بلاخوف کفاردین اسلام کے نظام باطل سے ٹکر لے سکیں  اور اللہ کے اس دین برحق نظام کو دنیا کے کونے کونے میں قائم کرنے کی ابتداء کرسکیں ۔

    مذہب اسلام اور دین اسلام میں فرق ہےاسلامی مسلقوں کو مذہب اسلام اور اسلامی نظام حکومت خلافت کو دین اسلام کہا جاتا ہے اور اللہ تعالیٰ قرآن پاک میں فرماتا ہے دین اسلام کے لیے اللہ کی رسی کومضبوطی کو تھامے رکھو۔چنانچہ اس دین اسلام کے لیے متحد ہو جاؤ ،ہماری یکجہتی میں ہی ہماری بقاء ہےیہ لاسانی وخاندانی ومذہبی تفرقات میں پڑکر اپنے  آپ کو شیاطین کاشکار نہ بنائیں!۔ شیطان مردود نے انسانیت کو تباہ برباد کرنے کی قسم کھائی تھی اورآج تک وہ اور اسکے چیلےیہی کام کر رہے ہیں۔اس لیے اللہ کے لیے انسان بنیں اوراللہ کی انسانیت سے پیار کری،مطلب دین اسلام کے ذریعے انسانیت والےجذبات و احساسات دوبارہ سے پیداکرنے کی  کوشش (جہاد)کریں۔

    دودھ دینے والی گائیں اورانڈے دینے والی مرغی ہم اس وقت تک ذبح نہیں کرتے جب تک وہ دودھ اور انڈے دیتی رہتی ہیں اسی طرح اللہ کی وہ مخلوق جو اسکا کام نہیں کر رہی بلکہ صرف اپنی ذات میں ہی گم ہےاللہ کے لیے وہ کسی کام کی نہیں۔ وہ ذاتی عبادات کے ذریعے جنت تو حاصل کر لے گا مگر اللہ اور رسول اللہ ﷺکی محبت(شاید) کبھی حاصل نہیں کر سکتے ۔

اسلیے جاگو پاکستاں جاگو!اس سے پہلے کہ دیر ہو جائے۔

    حال ہی کا سیلاب جس نے آدھے پاکستا ن کو ڈبو دیا اور اس سے پہلے کے ذلزلے اللہ کا عذاب نہیں تو اور کیا ہے اب توجاگ جاؤ! اس نیند سے جس میں تم ٦٣ سال سے سوئے ہوئے ہوکیا اس وقت جاگو جب سر سے پانی گزر جائے گا۔

  اب تو جاگ جاؤ ،اپنے لیے جاگ جاؤ اگر نہیں جاگنا اللہ اور اس کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے لیے۔ نہیں بننا اللہ کا تو نہ بن اپنا تو بن

    اب تک اللہ نے تمھیں سیلاب اور زلزلوں سے محفوظ رکھا ہوا ہے اس مہنگائی میں بھی اللہ تمھیں کھانےکودیتاہےبھوکے تو نہیں سوتے،اللہ نہ کرے اللہ نہ کرےکہ اللہ کے عذاب کا کوڑا تم پر بھی برس پڑے اسلیے جاگو بھائیوں بہنوں جاگو !اور جگا ؤان لوگوں کو بھی جو کسی نہایت ضروری کام سے سو رہے ہیں یاسلادیے گئے ہیں۔

  اورپھرسےجیو اُس مقصد کے لیے جس مقصد کے لیے تم اس دنیا میں آئے ہو،یعنی جیواللہ اوررسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے غلام بن کر،عالم دین اسلام ،غیرت مند ،جاں باز،اقبال کاشاھین ، رحمدل،سخی اورسادگی  پسندبن کر۔

ناکہ پھر سے جیو (اس جملے کو بولنے والے اس چینل اور دیگر اس جیسے چینلوں کی طرح)دوبارہ شیاطین کا غلام بن کر،بےعلم ،بےغیرت ،حڈحرام(آرام پسند)،خودغرض وخودفروش ،بےرحم ،لالچی اورعیاش ہو کے۔

جاگو پاکستاں جاگو!اس سے پہلے کہ دیر ہو جائے
آخر میں میں یہ کہوں گا کہ آپ اس پیغام کو محض اپنی معلومات میں اضافےکے لیے نہ پڑھیے ۔اپنی زندگی کو بدلنے کی کوشش
کیجئے!دین کی طرف اصلاح نفس اور جہاد بالسیف کی طرف قدم بہ قدم بڑھیے!دین کے لیے جینے اور اسی کے لیے مرمٹنے کا جذبہ پیدا کیجئے!اورگھروں سے نکلیےاور قدم بڑھائے ان لوگوں کے ساتھ جو حضرت محمدکےنظام خلافت کے لیےپُرامن کوششیں کررہے ہیں۔ اس پیغام کوپڑھ کر اپنے اِن بکس میں رکھنے کی بجائے کسی اور رشتے دار اوردوست سےشیئر کیجیےاور اس کے پرنٹ نکال کےلوگوں میں بانٹیں ۔شاید آپ کی یہ کوشش کسی کی زندگی بدلنے کی بنیاد بن جائے۔

میں اس کا م پر تم سے کسی اجر کا طالب نہیں ہوں میرا اجر تو رب العالمین کے ذمےہے۔سورةالشعراء(٢٦:١٨٠)۔


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Mujahideen will conquer India
David Ben Gurion speech:
“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”
- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister. Quote from the Jewish Chronicle.
David Ben Gurion was Israel’s first prime minister and here is a quote from him in 1967 when Pakistan had not even started working on its nuclear missiles, he clearly saw a threat coming from Pakistan and directed the Zionists to work with Hindus, meaning India to destroy Pakistan for them.
In 1992 when BJP, a hardcore Hindu extremist group with strong connections with Zionists today had won the elections, a new connection between India and Israel was established and relations between the two countries has blossomed since then. BJP is a hardcore Anti-Islam organisation and has always opposed Pakistan and talked about war, however they follow Chanakya’s ideology and their mission is for the establishment of Akand Bharat which will be India stretched from Afghanistan to Sri Lanka as in Ashoka’s rein who the Hindu’s idolise to the extent that they have even included his logo on their national flag and included Ashoka’s four lions on the national emblem of India, hence we can understand why India has always been backing terrorism in these countries and the reason they have heavily supported terrorist organisations such as LTTE in Sri Lanka, TTP, BLP and BNP in Pakistan and why they have made such a huge presence in Afghanistan since 9/11 by constructing embassies and consulates all over the country. Therefore BJP was a goldmine for the Zionists as they can serve the agenda for them and both of them have one enemy which is Pakistan and today both have the same agenda to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear missiles, so both getting together should be no surprise. As they follow Chanakya’s ideology, the actions which they have done in the last few years should not come as a surprise either, as Chanakyas ideology is as follows. If you want to destroy your enemy first become friends with them, then stab them in the back and finish them and then cry at their funereal.
Therefore we can understand why India had tried to strengthen relations with Pakistan while BJP was in power and why Prime Minister Vajpayee used to push both countries for peace talks. What did India gain from it? Everything, they got trade and had an access to culturally invade Pakistan with Bollywood and Indian media which has worked big time for them in the last few years. What did Pakistan gain? Nothing, another thing was that India lured thousands of Pakistanis to visit India and many of these people never came back, being kidnapped and got false accusations put on them of being terrorists, some got murdered like Ajmal Qasab and their identities were used in false flag attacks like the Mumbai Drama in 2008.
Israel has had a very close relationship with India and has been providing the Indian military massive support and weapons, even India’s nuclear programme is known to be given to them by Israel. In 1996, the architect of India’s missile programme, and later the Indian President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam made his first visit to Israel. It is ominous that in May 1998, India exploded five nuclear devices, out of which it is believed that at least one if not two were Israeli. Later on the Indians provided bases for the Israeli Air Force to target and try to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear programme the way they had destroyed the Iraqi atomic reactors in 1981, however this time it failed as Pakistani nuclear scientists risked their lives and stood around Chagai Hills and launched Pakistan’s first nuclear tests despite warnings coming from the intelligence agencies that Israeli aircrafts were ready to take them out, which later declared to the world that Pakistan had become a nuclear power.
In the last few years we have seen this relationship between Israel and India blossom even further and Israel has started to provide unprecedented funding and equipment to India which can indicate they are preparing for a war, two attempts have already been made when India did false flag attacks on its parliament buildings in 2002 and Mumbai attacks in 2008 and tried to build war hysteria, however a ruthless response from the Pakistan Army and people of Pakistan had prevented them from doing so. Britain’s authoritative and respected defence publication, Jane’s Terrorism & Security Monitor, reports that Israel and India have formed a military relationship and that Israeli intelligence is active in Occupied Kashmir. Over the last few years despite Israel having no interest at all in Kashmir, Israel’s army chief has visited Occupied Kashmir numerous times, the report in the Jane’s Information Group continues saying Israel has several teams now in Kashmir training Indian counter-insurgency forces to fight the dozen separatist guerrilla groups operating in the Indian-controlled sector of the disputed state.
Both countries having nuclear technology and powerful militaries can result in a bloody mess however this would suit Israel completely as they could care less if India is destroyed as they have taken over India’s economic and military establishments only to fuel a war between the Hindus and Muslims and will use India to go in the war and keep Israel out of it so they can keep Israel safe from any big damage. David Ben Gurion clearly directed the Zionists to make India a base for them which we can see today as Zionists have full control over major trading establishments in India and supports and funds India’s military and intelligence agency RAW.
Jane’s Information Group, the world’s premier intelligence information source, ominously reported in July 2001 that “The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism.” We can see this plan today working in Pakistan, were they had tried to push Pakistan in a civil war with numerous bomb blasts and sectarian violence in the last few years.
India has also started a new campaign of blocking Pakistan’s rivers by building illegal dams on the rivers which will steal Pakistan’s waters and is already turned some of Pakistan’s agricultural lands barren, making Pakistan lose tons of crops at a time of food shortages in the country. They are building Dams on all rivers flowing into Pakistan from occupied Kashmir to control the waters of western rivers which goes against the Indus Treaty and World Bank has approved these dams. This is being done under a well thought out strategy to render Pakistan’s link-canal system redundant, destroy agriculture of Pakistan which is its mainstay and turn Pakistan into a desert. The most interesting thing is that India has even convinced American puppet Karzai to build a dam on the Kabul River in Afghanistan which flows into Pakistan, which India will fund and construct. There objective is clearly to block Pakistan’s rivers from both sides which is a pure act of terrorism.
The Americans are also now using India to target and destabilize Pakistan and get to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, after 9/11 when America invaded Afghanistan and setup a base there, India also went into Afghanistan and has setup a huge presence there which goes ignored in the media. The main thing they did was exploit America’s war on terror and create a fake Taliban which they named Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to attack Pakistan which was headed by Baitullah Mehsud. His own relatives like Zainuddin Mehsud have exposed him as an Indian agent, who was later assassinated by Baitullah Mehsud for exposing him and the Pakistan Military has recovered tons of Indian weapons from the TTP in the ongoing operation in Waziristan and the previous operation in SWAT which revealed there were Indians there supporting the TTP (click here for more and here) These criminals have been brainwashing children and bombing the whole country including mosques and killing Ulemas who expose and put fatwa’s on them. The Americans and Indians have very cleverly used our own weapons against us, the mujahedeen by planting there agents here and brainwashing Pakistan’s children to destabilize the country and target the Pakistan Military and their main objective is to get to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, which can only happen once the country is in civil war and broken up into smaller states.
India now has huge involvement in Afghanistan, where they have setup embassies and consulates all over the country and have sent over 10,000 soldiers just to protect their assets there, the involvement is so huge that they are controlling the whole government of Karzai and have even setup and funded the Afghanistan intelligence agency ‘Rama’ which itself is named after a Hindu god. Why would a Muslim country like Afghanistan establish an intelligence agency and call it Rama, the answer is simple, this has been made by the Indians to simply target Pakistan and do all their work for them as RAWs game is now being exposed.
The arrival of Dajjal and the conquest of India
As we know the Jews are awaiting their messiah, who will be none other than the Dajjal who should emerge from Israel and rule from there and it would make perfect sense that once he emerges and before he emerges India will play a big role in preparing for his arrival, mainly in removing barriers before his arrival i.e. Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, and after he emerges they should defend him with the Jews and the Christians from the Muslims. Therefore India’s role in Dajjal’s plans are very important as there is a strong nexus which has been built by the Jews and the Hindus, and the Hindus have become a part of their plan.
According to most scholars Dajjal is near his emergence and all the chaos you are seeing in the world is a consequence of that and a war between Pakistan and India now and the expanding wars in the middle east could start another world war.
However Allah has his own plans.
‘And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah’
- The Quran, 3:54

1.Thawban (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said, “Two groups of my Ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire – a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with ‘Esa son of Maryam (AS)”
- Sunan Nasai,
2.Abu Huraira (RA) said, “The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that event, I will spend my soul and wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs. And if I return then I am Abu Huraira (RA) who has been freed from the fire of hell.”
- Sunan Nasai,
3.Na’im, son of Hammad in al-Fitan reports that, Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) mentioned India and said, “A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them (India) until they come with its kings chained – Allah having forgiven their sins – when they return back (from India), they will find Esa son of Maryam in Syria.”
- Kitab Al Fitan
India is a fitna, which is being supporting by the Zionists to destroy Muslims, this has turned into a proxy war where the Zionists fund and support India to destroy the Muslims. India itself was a Muslim country until the British invaded it and before they left they gave all the power to the Hindus and tried their best to bring the Muslims down, thankfully to Allama Iqbal, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Pakistan Movements efforts the Muslims got Pakistan. This storey may sound familiar to some people as today history is repeating itself, what is happening today has already taken place 1,400 years ago, this is not the first time the Jews and the Hindus (idol worshippers) have made a nexus, today we are only seeing a repeat of what happened 1,400 years ago, to understand this we have to go back in history and analyze what happened 1,400 years ago when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emerged in Mecca.
1,400 years ago, Mecca was occupied by idol worshippers, Muslims to save themselves from the idol worshippers left Mecca, went and established Madina, an Islamic ideological state. This was the first ever state made on the ideology of Islam. This is the complete same story of Muslims in Pakistan. Here there is India like Mecca is dominated by idol worshipers, Muslims to save themselves from the idol worshipers leave India and like Madina establish Pakistan, a state made on the ideology of Islam, this is the only state made on the ideology of Islam after Madina, which makes it the second state to be made on the ideology of Islam.
After the Muslims migrated to Madina there were various wars that took place between the Muslims of Madina and the idol worshipers in Mecca until a final showdown where Mecca was eventually captured by the Muslims. This is the exact same situation between India and Pakistan where they have been fighting and fighting for the last 60 years and now a final showdown awaits where like Madina, Pakistan will conquer India as according to the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Pakistan has a very striking resemblance with Madina and it’s not only its history. Madina’s real name is Madina-e-Tayyab, which are two Arabic words. Madina means a place where people live while Tayyab is the first kalma, LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASOOL ALLAH, There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The meaning of Tayyab is purity. While Pakistan is also composed of two words, Pak-i-stan, which are Persian words. Stan means a place where people live while Pak is the first kalma in Persian and means purity. Pakistan converted into Arabic becomes Madina-e-Tayyab and Madina-e-Tayyab converted into Persian becomes Pakistan. There is a lot of mysticism involved in this as Pakistan is Madina-e-Sani. This is a blessed land created by Allah which came into existence on the 27th night of Ramadan.




These pages are from the book "Tesri jang e azeem aur Dajjal" by 
Molana Asim Umer.
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A Muslim Army Would Conquer India, (probably Pakistan army) after that Hazrat Eesa(A.S) will return and this army would join him in the middle east to fight the Jews:



The very first Hadees is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.). He says that my intimate friend Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) told me that:

“ In this Ummah, the troops would be headed towards Sindh & Hind”

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that if I could find a chance to participate in any of such movement & (while participating in it) I be got martyred, then well & good; if came back as a survived warrior, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah, to whom Allah Almighty would have given freedom from the Hell.”


1.With these words, only Imam bin Hambal (R) narrated this Hadees in ‘Masnad’.

2.And Ibn-e-Kaseer copied with his reference in ‘Al-Badaya Wa Nahaya’

3.Qazi Ahmad Shakir gave this Hadees the beautiful stability in the explanation & search of ‘Masnad Ahmad’.

4.Imam Nisai did narrate this Hadees in both his books: ‘As Sunan Al Mujtaba’ & ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’ with the following wordings, that Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) did promise us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. If I got chance to participate in it, then I would spend all my energy & wealth in it. If I got slained, then I would be considered among the most great martyrs. And if came back, then would be a freed Abu-Hurairah.

5.Imam Behqi (R) has also copied the same wordings in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’. In his another narration, there is one addition. With the reference of Ibn-e-Daood, Masdad told about Abu-Ishaq Fazari that he used to say: ‘I wish that I could participate in the Ghazwat of Marbad(some place in East towards India from Arab), instead of all those Ghazwaat which I did in city Rome’.

6.Imam Behqi (R) has talked about the same narration in ‘Dalail un Nubuwwah’. And with his reference, this narration has been copied by Imam Syuti (R) in ‘Al Khasaais Al Kubra’.

Furthermore, the following Hadees quoters have narrated the same Hadees with a few word difference.

Sheikh Ahmad Shakir (R) approved the very Hadees.

Ibn e Kaseer copied in ‘Al Badaya Wa Nahaya’ from the testimonial of Imam Ahmad.

Abu Naeem (R) narrated it in ‘Huliyaat ul Auliya’.

Imam Hakim (R) remained silent after narrating this Hadees in ‘Al Mustadrak Al Saheeheen’. While, Imam Zahbi (R) omitted it from his Mustadrak.

Saeed bin Mansoor narrated it in his book ‘As Sunan’.

Khateeb Baghdadi wrote in the history of Baghdad that ‘I would make myself restless in it’.

Naeem bin Hammad; the teacher of Imam Bukhari (R) wrote in ‘Al Fitan’.

Ibn e Abi Asim (R) did in his book ‘Al-Jihad’.

Ibn e Abi Hatim (R) narrated in his book ‘Al Laal’ that ‘if I would be murdered, then would be alive by getting food (as shaheed) & if returned, then would be freed’.

Imam Bukhari (R) did narrate in ‘Al Tareekh Al Kabeer’

Imam Mazi did in ‘Tehzeeb ul Kamal’.

Ibn e Hajar Askalani did relate this Hadees in ‘Tehzeeb Al Tehzeeb’.

According to all the people written above, this Hadees is all correct and is beautiful.



the freed servant of Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) :-

It is being related to Hazrat Suban(R.A.), that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) told that;

“ Two groups amongst My Ummah would be such, to whom Allah has freed from fire; One group would attack India & the Second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.)”.


The following Hadees quoters has quoted this Hadees as it is;

Imam Ahmad(R) in ‘Masnad’.

Imam Nisai(R) in ‘As Sunan Al Mujtaba’.

Sheikh Nasir-ud-Din Albani(R) approved this Hadees.

Same as in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’.

Ibn-e-Abi Asim(R) in ‘Kitab Al Jihad’.

Ibn-e-Adi in ‘Al Kamil Fee Zaufa Ar Rijal’.

Tibrani(R) in ‘Al Mojam Al Aust’.

Behqi(R) in ‘As Sunan Al Kubra’.

Ibn-e-Kaseer(R) in ‘Al Badaya Wa Nahaya’.

Imam Welmi(R) in ‘Masnad Al-Firdous’.

Imam Syuti(R) in ‘Al Jaamay Al Kabeer’.

Imam Manavi(R) in Al Jaamay Al Kabeer’s commentary ‘Faiz Al Qadeer’.

Imam Bukhari(R) in ‘Al Tareekh Al Kabeer’.

Imam Mazi(R) in ‘Tehzeeb Al Kamal’.

Ibn-e-Asaakar(R) in ‘history of Damascus’.



It is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A) that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) talked about Hindustan(India) & said:

“Definitely, one of your troop would do a war with Hindustan, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains / fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria (Shaam)”.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) told that ‘if I could find that Ghazwa, then would sell all my new & old goods and would participate in it. When Allah (S.W.T.) granted us success & we returned, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah; who would come in the country of Syria with such a pride of finding Hazrat Isa (A.S.) over there. O Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) ! that time it would be my intense wish that by coming closer to Hazrat Isa(A.S.), I may tell him that I am the Sahabi of Muhammad(P.B.U.H.).

The narrator tells that Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) smiled & said: ‘very difficult, very difficult’.


Naeem bin Hammad quoted this Hadees in his book ‘Kitab Al Fitan’.

Ishaq bin Rahuya(R) also quoted this Hadees in his ‘Masnad’, in which there are few additions, so we are also quoting this narration as well, which is as follows:-

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that, one day Hazoor (S.A.W.) said while talking about India(Hindustan);

‘Surely, your one troop would fight with Hindustan & Allah would Bless those Warriors(Mujahid) with success, that they would bring the leaders of Sindh in fetters, Allah would forgive the Warriors. Then, when they would return, they would find Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria”.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A.) spoke:

‘If I get that Ghazwa, then would participate in it by selling all my old & new goods. When Allah would give us success, then we would come back & I would be a freed Abu Hurairah, who would come in Syria and would meet Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) there. O Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H.) ! that time, I would be in a deep desire to tell him by going close to him that I have the honour of having the company of Muhammad(P.B.U.H.).

The narrator tells that: Muhammad S.A.W. smiles by listening this.


This is the Hadees of Hazrat Kaab(R.A.), he says that:

“ A King of Jerusalem (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) would make a troop move forward towards Hindustan. The Warriors destroy the land of Hind; would possess its treasures, then King would use those treasures for the décor of Jerusalem. That troop would bring the Indian kings in front of King(of Jerusalem). His Warriors by King’s order would conquer all the area between East & West. And would stay in Hindustan till the issue of Dajjal”.


Naeem bin Hammad(R) Ustaaz Imam Bukhari(R) did narrate this Hadees in his book ‘Al-Fitan’. In it, the name of the quoter is not mentioned who related it to Hazrat Kaab(R.A.). But some Arabic words are being used, so this would be considered intersected.

Those wordings are as follows:

(Almuhkamubnu Naafi-in Amman Haddasahu An Kaabin)



This fifth Hadees is being related to Hazrat Safwaan bin Umroo(R) & is at contented stage according to its orders.

He says that some people told him that Hazoor (P.B.U.H.) said:

“Some people of My Ummah will fight with Hindustan, Allah would grant them with success, even they would find the Indian kings being trapped in fetters. Allah would forgive those Warriors. When they would move towards Syria, then would find Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) over there”.


Naeem bin Hammad did narrate this Hadees in ‘Al Fitan’.







ANP busted bigtime - Massive looting & anti-Pakistan treachery exposed

A 5 billion Rupees scam of the RAW and CIA assets in Pakistan i.e ANP has been caught by a leading media group. It says that a company named M/s NI associates which is owned by one of the important men of ANP, purchased a land at a very diddled-um price.

The Cheif Minister of N.W.F.P, Mr Ameer Haider Hoti dilebrately cancelled a leased agreement which was signed 12 years ago. 

Mardan is very good place for cultivating olives. About 8.8% of the total land of Mardan district is suitable for cultivating good quality olives, while the overall production is taken from 13.2% land which is a very good percentage. But the steps taken by the puppet has caused the demise of the entire industry of olives in Mardan.

Suitable Area - National Analysis (left) and District Analysis (right) - Treachery is evident

The market price of 170 acres of agricultural land has been estimated but the commercial value of the olive trees has still not been given. These olive trees were gifted by Italy and Turkey to make Pakistan self-sufficient in edible oil industry. Recently the ambassador of Italy, H.E. Vincenzo Prati visited National Agriculture Research Institute - Islamabad. A few days ago, while the ANP traitors were too busy in stealing country's wealth and killing people, a group of 100 policemen led by a DSP raided Pakistan Oil Development Board (PODB)’s research centre. The lease agreement between Provincial Auqaf deparment and PODB was for 14 years, i.e it was to end in 2012 but the corrupt leadership of ANP ended it prematurely to fill up their swiss Bank lockers.

Mr. Mushtaq who is the provincial director of PODB wrote a letter to Administrator Provincial Auqaf about the police raid and said that it was against the national interest by which he actually meant ANP's interst. In these lands, 12 different varieties of Italian and Turkish origin were planted on 140 acres. Students of Agriculture University were already doing research to upgrade the seeds. The farms were installed with many of the latest facilities like green houses, metrological stations, tube wells and watering system etc. While replying to these allegations, the Information minister of NWFP Mian Iftikhar Hussain, yesterday on Express News, lost his temper and started abusing and blackmailing Mr.Rauf Klasra, the Editor of Investigation on Express Tribune. Many people saw the real face of these traitors when they were interrupted on their corruption. At last when he had no explanation, he anounced that ANP government is ready to sell the disputed land in an open-auction. The quetion to be asked is "Mr. Iftikhar, why didn't you auction it before the revelation of this scam?" He gave the excuse that the previous party was not increasing the rate of the land.

This is the second time that such a big corruption of ANP is caught red-handedly. Last time Ghulam Bilour was busted by a patriotic column writer Maryam Gillani when he tried to make illegal inductions in the railway from his constituency. On this Maryam Gillani wrote an article due to which she was suspended from her railway job. She commented:
"That is ridiculous. I am a tax payer and railway is a public sector organization and why we should lift the load Bilour’s people without merit?"

Rizwan Khan

Pakistan Cyber Force

(EOP)Zaid Hamid - East Pakistan The Untold Story.

Find out the reality about fall of Dhaka, what really happened there in 1971.

Today is 16th December. We have neither forgotten East Pakistan and our million shaheeds, nor forgiven hindu zionists for this atrocity. This day reminds us strongly that we must defend Medina e Sani Pakistan at all costs against threats from brahmin snakes and traitors within. We prepare for Ghazwa e Hind, the final s...howdown with hindu zionists. Rasul Allah (SAW) has ordered us to prepare for it. Labbaik!

(EOP)Pakistan in 2014: A Hypothetical Scenario

Zaid Hamid, BrassTacks
In order to fully and comprehensively understand the shapes of regional geopolitics to come, we have done a hypothetical scenario creation of the year 2014. Today, India is preparing for war against both China and Pakistan and US wants to use India as strategic partner against both China and Pakistan. Let‘s see how the events shape up between Pakistan and India under the above scenario.
The Environment: The year is 2014
A patriotic and honorable government is in place in Islamabad. It took over in 2010 after a judicial and military coup that removed a corrupt and incompetent regime which had brought the country on the brink of disaster. For the last 4 years, the present government has managed to control the collapse of economy, has reduced corruption radically and has contained terrorism, in turn bringing much needed stability in Pakistan and elevating its stature within the international community and in particular the Muslim world.
The world has been in turmoil, however Pakistanis have, against all odds, managed to keep the nation stable and strong. The Kashmir dispute is still simmering and Afghanistan remains in a delicate state without any strong government and with multiple militias controlling the countryside. There is also strong presence of western forces in Northern regions.
United States and Israel have successfully overrun the entire Middle East, creating various headless states and smaller principalities or weak client satellite states in the Muslim heartland in place of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. Israel has annexed the entire Palestinian lands and has even started constructing colonies and settlements into Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt – even extending into parts of Saudi Arabia near Tabuk. The entire Gulf region has become an effective US colony with major US bases spread across the entire region having force projection capability into South Asia, Central Asia and South West China. The entire fuel assets and fuel routes from the Gulf and Central Asia are under US and coalition control.
But there are pockets of fierce resistance in every part of occupied Middle East. Muslim resistance groups and freedom fighters have launched massive war of resistance against US presence in the Muslim lands and are proving to be elusive and deadly foes for the US forces. Afghan resistance remains fierce, still bogging down US and NATO occupation forces even after 13 years of occupation. Pakistan had cut down the supply lines of NATO and NATO was forced to find long and expensive routes from Central Asia and via Iran.
US economy continues to collapse at home. Dollar has been abandoned as a global currency and a new political alliance of North American Union consisting of Mexico, USA and Canada has come into existence on the pattern of EU with plans for a new currency Amero being floated. In dollar terms, US cost of occupation is staggering $20 bn a month with hundreds of casualties in dead and wounded every month. The situation is not stabilizing despite massive injection of US military and economic resources in the region. The quality of life in occupied Muslim lands is getting hopelessly desperate creating an explosive environment for US forces present amongst hostile population.
Terrorism in the US mainland and Europe has forced radical security measures against local Muslim population and a mass migration of Muslim immigrants begin flowing back to the native lands due to fears of persecution in Europe and America. Tension between the West and Islam are at all time high since the crusades in the 10th century.
There is also serious friction building between Russia and United States particularly over establishment of anti-ballistic missile shield by NATO in Eastern Europe and distribution of fuel resources of Caspian and for control of vast economic and military assets in Central Asia. Tensions are running high between US backed Georgia and Russia while the US backed Chechens are also taking advantage of Russian weaknesses to launch even more daring raids into Russian mainland. Tension between Turkish and Russian forces flare up when a group of fleeing Chechens enter Turkey and Russians enter into hot pursuit. Even though Turkey is rediscovering its Islamic identity and is drawing away from NATO, still, NATO threatens to side with Turkey in the standoff and ask Russians to back off. Skirmishes threaten to begin on the European front.
The US economy and military is under tremendous stress. The domestic budget deficit has grown at staggering 14 trillion dollars. Inflation is 12 percent, local jobless figure is at 40 million. The mass migration of millions of skilled Muslims has created a serious crisis of production and growth in industry and economy. Industrial produce have gone down 40% and market shares lost to powerful emerging economies of China, Far east and India. Global warming, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and snow storms have damaged over 7 trillion dollars of economic infrastructure in just 2 years. US forces are spread thin all over the globe – at least 3 quarters of a million troops in 120 countries and lands.
There is nervousness and panic in the US government. The security of fuel assets and fuel routes has not produced the desired response in mainland for economic turnaround. This is when a group of local white Supremacist militia of a doomsday cult, fed up with the policies of US government launches a devastating attack on US power and communication infrastructure crippling the economy to the tune of many trillion dollars in over a week. From nervousness, the situation becomes desperate for US government. US media, under the influence of AIPAC, the Israeli lobby, starts a massive global propaganda that attack on US infrastructure has come from Muslim extremists based in Middle East and Pak-Afghan region.
In trade talks with China, US insist that China reduce duties on US products, strengthen Yuan and stop influencing economic spheres in Far East and Asia. US threaten to stop Chinese oil supplies from Gulf, unless China stops giving subsidy to Chinese goods in Asia and European markets to make way for Americans products. China threatens to abandon dollar in international trade and starts dumping from its reserves of over a trillion dollar foreign exchange. US economy takes fatal dive as dollar collapses in international forex market as all countries start to make switch to Gold or other currencies.
Tensions quickly flare and talks break down. US intercepts bulk oil cargo ships from Gulf carrying oil for China. China threatens to use force and begins war games in Taiwanese straits. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan feel intimidated and ask US to interfere after failing to convince China. Tensions rapidly flare up around the Korean Peninsula also as a North Korean Destroyer is sunk by South Korean mine. Chinese war games are taken as hostile by US and Pacific fleet is mobilized to counter rapidly building Chinese military presence in the region. Chinese Vice Premier visits Uighur autonomous region and is assassinated by a US backed Uighur separatist group. China demands extradition of groups‘ leader from US. US refuses to hand over the suspect and situation becomes critical between US and China in Asia.
Pakistan and India almost maintain their present status quo in bilateral relations in 2014. Kashmir remains a sore issue and clashes along the LoC and working boundary are a routine. India has made progress in leaps and bounds in economic and military spheres and continues to pose serious challenges to Pakistan in both spheres but the nuke deterrent maintains a credible balance despite very bad terms between the two countries.
India is the main ally and military beneficiary from US. US have cultivated India to act as counter balance against China in case of US-China conflict scenario and to counter balance Pakistan for fear of an “Islamic” nuclear threat. Though, India had used the US military and economic dependence upon Delhi to build its own military potential as a regional civilization capable of challenging even China and US independently, its own desires were not to take sides in any US-China conflict and had decided to play a game of waiting to see which civilization survives or weakens to allow the breakout of Hindu civilization in Asia. India had given military bases to US for operations in East Asia but had not committed to fight alongside US against China. US is concerned at this arrangement.
But within India, Naxalite Maoists have become the greatest internal security challenge for the Indian federation, overrunning almost 40% of India in the “Red Corridor”. Indian army fights a losing war against the Maoists in the thick jungles of rural India. Sikhs’ movement has gained momentum. In the seven sister states in East, rebellions were already simmering at high levels putting extreme pressure on the Indian federation.
Despite the serious frictions between Pakistan and US/NATO alliance over Afghanistan, Pakistan has constructively engaged with US and the West. Pakistan also remained a close friend of China and therefore is not trusted by the US in a US-China conflict scenario. Even though there is no visible Chinese military presence on Pakistani soil, the proximity of Pakistan and China and their close ties is a matter of serious concern for US. Also, China’s assistance to Pakistan in the field of nuclear and missile technologies which have given Pakistan the ability to choke all the fuel supplies and shipping from the Gulf if US flotilla decides to take battle station close to Chinese mainland. Also, Chinese presence in Gwadar keeps an eye on the US in the Gulf. Pakistan, from the US perspective, is an unreliable ‘ally’.
US intelligence sources had predicted in 1998 that China would take atleast until 2020 to be able to develop enough force projection capability to match US military presence in Asia and to threaten US mainland in case of a nuke exchange. In 1998, Chinese were overwhelmingly inferior to US in space and satellite warfare, Fighter aircrafts, reconnaissance and surveillance, Communications, missile defense, Naval force projection capability and survival capability in an NBC warfare environment.
But in 2002, Russia entered into a strategic defense alliance with China to transfer Russian high technology military knowledge of Fighter aircrafts, missile defense and space warfare to China and the collaboration rapidly polished off a decade of Chinese research and development. Americans had revised their estimates in 2004 and had then predicted that Chinese would have requisite force projection and survival capability against a massive US unconventional strike by 2015. US military commanders had sent a summary to White House in 2004 that if China reaches the threshold of its capability to not just strike the US mainland but also survive a massive counter strike by US, then it would become almost impossible to eliminate the Chinese threat to US interests in the 21st century within the acceptable cost and collateral damage. US had already devised a strategy to hit Chinese Asian interests before China could cross that red line and become a serious unmanageable threat to US.
Provoked by the domestic economic meltdown due to collapse of US dollar, Chinese stubbornness to concede grounds in trade talks and threatened by radical development of Chinese capability to strike at US Space assets and the mainland, US was already contemplating plans and, leading with its control over the world media, create a threat perception in order to justify a possible first-strike on the Chinese mainland.
Almost at the same time, BJP rules India with hardliners from RSS virtually controlling the Indian State through their Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the butcher of Gujarat. Col. Purohit, the notorious Indian Military Intelligence officer responsible for Samjhota express blasts and known for his links with Hindu Saffron brigades had been released by the courts for want of evidence and now serves as the head of Pakistan Desk in Indian secret service RAW.
As the Indian Cabinet met in Delhi, a group of 6 Naxalite Maoists stealthily sneaked into the parliament and opened fire killing over 100 people from government, security forces and media. BJP immediately puts the blame on Kashmiri groups and blames ISI and Pakistan. Indian cabinet orders mobilization of Indian forces. Under the Cold Start doctrine, independent Battle groups (IBG‘s) of Indian army were secretly told to warm up for an immediate invasion, while the India launched a massive global diplomatic and media campaign to isolate Pakistan.
On the surface, Indians kept the crisis on diplomatic and media plains and sent high level delegations to Islamabad for negotiations giving perception to Pakistan that crisis can be resolved diplomatically but on the ground, the invasion was ordered within 24 hours when Indian delegation return back to Delhi.
The Armageddon is about to begin……

(EOP)Pakistan, China making customers in arms market

Pakistan and China have cooperated in the design, development and production of the Karakoram Trainers, the JF-17 Thunders and the J-10B advanced fighters.
All of these are being sold and exported.
China and Pakistan have cooperated in the joint design and production of three major and several minor defense projects. Using Pakistani experience of Western technology, Pakistani requirements, and Chinese expertise to develop systems the two countries have started selling low cost arms to Asian and African countries. These countries will pay for the development of more advanced fighters.
All major news outlets are reporting on the growing Chinese and Pakistani exports.
Businessweek describes the growth of the exports–starting from the bottom. China is emerging as a competitor in the international arms market, offering increasingly sophisticated fighter jets, missiles and equipment that are beginning to rival Russia and other longtime exporters.
With the same low-cost strategy that worked for toys and electronics, Chinese firms are targeting cost-conscious customers, albeit in an industry still dominated by the United States, Russia, France and Britain.
“China’s share of the global market may never be that big, but it will have a growing niche with poorer countries such as African states,” said Richard Bitzinger, a senior fellow at Singapore’s Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
The Chinese challenge has been on display at this week’s Zhuhai air show, a biannual aviation industry event that wraps up Sunday.
Pilots have given aerial displays of China’s latest-generation J-10 fighter, and exhibition halls are stocked with models and mock-ups from military aircraft maker Aviation Industry Corp. of China.
Sprinkled among the exhibits are a half dozen flight simulators, highlighting a push to offer not just aircraft but also training and after-sales service.
That all-encompassing approach will be key to further growth as Chinese firms seek to woo buyers for more sophisticated aircraft such as the J-10 and F-8T, which compete directly with products from the West.
“China is building a client base for the future,” said Rob Hewson, London-based editor of Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons, who was attending the air show. “They hope to be servicing these customers for decades to come.”
That was not always the case. China’s arms industry had long been known for cheap knockoffs of Russian hardware: East Timor’s president once described the Chinese patrol boats his country was purchasing as a “fake Gucci ship.”
These days, technological advances are driving expansion.
Deliveries of big-ticket military hardware more than doubled between 2007 and last year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, lifting China to seventh place among arms exporters. The institute tally excludes sales of small arms and ammunition, of which China has long been a major supplier.
The FC-1 Xiaolong multirole fighter jet is an example of what’s behind that growth.
Developed in cooperation with the Pakistan Air force, which calls it the JF-17 Thunder, the plane is being offered at the relatively low price of about $15 million, making it a cost-efficient replacement for aging workhorses such as the MiG-21 and Northrop F-5 Tiger.
Other overseas successes include:
– The Hongdu K-8 trainer and ground-attack jet, also developed jointly with Pakistan. About 250 have been sold to countries such as Egypt, Ghana, Pakistan, Sudan and, most notably, Venezuela, beating out Russian competition for China’s first major sale in South America.
– The F-7 jet fighter, based on the Russian MiG-21. About 100 have been sold to Bangladesh, Namibia, Nigeria and other developing countries. In Nigeria’s case, the arrival of 12 of the planes in April did much to revive a fighter fleet that had become largely inoperable.
– The WZ-551 armored personnel carrier, sold to Argentina, Sudan and a half-dozen other countries.
The growing sales coincide with a sharp decline in China’s weapons imports, although it remains dependent on Russia for key components, including engines for the JF-17, G-10 and L-15.
Deliveries of ships, submarines and fighter planes from Russia peaked in 2006 and then went into sharp decline.
One reason was Russian wariness of Chinese reverse engineering: Stung by China’s flagrant copying of the Su-27 — the Chinese version is known as the J-11 — Russian makers became increasingly reluctant to sell their most advanced technology to Beijing. China emerging as player in global arms trade By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, ZHUHAI, China. Businessweek.


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