Wednesday 16 February 2011

{EOP}Call to All Pakistanis

Dear sons/daughters of Pakistan,
As-Salam Alaikum. May you all find peace and heart in these tough times.
Please take note. Its not enough for us all to just sit aside and keep talking about the injustice. The puppet regime will fold and give in to the hypocritical stance of the US state, thats demanding that a criminal who killed 2 people on the street in public in broad daylight should be allowed to go scott free. We cannot allow this. If the govt cannot take a stand then army needs to take stand on this matter. Its pathetic how the media has started trying to justify and find excuses to allow US to get away with murder. This is do and die like just the Nuclear explosions of 1998. We cannot allow this. Its bigger than any government.
Also how pathetic that nobody can mobilize the people to come out on the street. The political idiots keep screaming revolution but cannot formulate a simple strategy to galvanize the people around this murder. Its so simple to mobilize people on this matter. This is bigger than a region, or language politics. Its about national stakes, and people will take heed to stand behind this issue. Its emotional and raw.

Our young people need to be molded to serve our country just like the Pakistan movement. We had a dynamic generation at time of creation of Pakistan, and then an inept generation followed that lost the mantle. The new young generation of today can do so much, They are of a nation of 180 million with a GDP larger than $464Billion and the potential for a whole lot more to trade and generate a healthy economy with a growing population wanting services/products. Lets not underestimate ourselves. We don’t need to beg a measly $7B to balance our books and forsake our dignity and honor in this trade. Its our right to manage our books ourselves. Nobody can dictate us, if we stand our ground. Why do we have un-educated people with fake degrees leading us a nation of 180 Million. We are too big and too important. Our nation ranks 27th in the world on GDP output. There are 200+ nations behind us who yield less power and might than us. In 2050, our nation will be waited upon by the nations of the world to sell products and services to us. We will have become the 5th largest consumer market by then, and can easily leave behind other nations behind. Population is not the problem, but an asset. We need to create services for our people that suits our needs and mobilizes our nation in the process. Is our nation’s wealth in creating and buying Apple IPods and IPhones or creating simple services that reach everyone. Simple services and reachability can generate wealth amongst our people. Take the cellphone culture that has sweeped our nation, that reaches every corner of our nation and all who can access it, get benefits from it whether educated/uneducated alike. In turn we created a revenue stream that made rich people out of the organizations that run it and gives our govt a medium to generate new taxes. With innovation and intellect we can turn a population of 180 million into a revenue powerhouse. I believe when God says that the Rizq of everyone is taken care of, I take that to mean that the possibilities are endless to feed and cloth everybody with the right policies and management. We will not go wanting by the Grace of God, if we are smart and work hard.
I also cry for my people. How shameful that a young daughter of my nation cries in pain that she cannot get justice when her husband is killed brutally by an american killer on our streets. She lives in my country but cries out and dies waiting. How can that not haunt you and pull you to action. Our history shows that a similar daughter called out from the shores of this nation, and Mohammed Bin Qasim was sent to provide justice. Are we not muslims that cannot provide justice to our own daughter in our homeland. Should a new Bin Qasim come from some other Muslim country to protect the chadar and izzat of our daughters in this country. We should be ashamed of ourselves as muslims. Our daughter did not trust us and the most she did to any of us was to commit suicide herself. She didn’t slap us, didn’t kick us, didn’t lash out us, and God forbid didn’t blow us up, she just chose to kill herself in protest. She was sane and of sound mind, and didn’t sell her soul. She has every right to demand justice from us. We are the descendents of Mohammed Bin Qasim that should have run to the rescue of our women where ever they are. We have disappointed our daughters and mothers and forsaken our heritage. Its not about one american killer anymore. Its about the death of our values.
Zakir Khan

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